Previously there was a brief attempt at packaging seatd as an alternative to elogind, but we found some issues and put it aside for awhile. Well time has passed and another look was given. This time around, with the help of an additional pam module, seatd support is looking much, much viable as a valid choice. Some more work needs to be done, but here's a brief tutorial on how to switch your system from using elogind to seatd.
Why use seatd?elogind works great however it is quite complicated and large. By its nature, it is very tied to upstream systemd development (for better or worse). Additionally, it has a runtime dbus dependency. On the other hand, seatd's source code ( is magnitudes smaller and much easier to understand. It has a logind API implementation in one single C file so it is still compatible with software that uses logind.
Init System Support Statusopenrc:
implemented s6:
implementedNote: it is highly recommended that you perform these commands in a separate TTY and not in a graphical environment. Playing around with the elogind daemon will likely kill your graphical session at some point. Make sure all important work is saved before proceeding.
pam_rundirOne important thing that elogind provides is automatic creation and handling of the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable and directories. seatd does not do this and many, many programs (wayland, pulseaudio, dbus, etc.) write runtime user data here so you mostly want this. Instead of using the elogind daemon, we can use a PAM module called
pam_rundir that handles the directory creation and the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable. It is merely about 300 lines of C code ( and only ever executes on system login/logout. All it does it create/delete the /run/user directories as appropriate and export the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable.
$ sudo pacman -S pam_rundir
seatd-${init}Installing this likely removes elogind-${init} from your system so do not be surprised if your graphical session dies/restarts at this point. After you have seatd-${init} installed, you can add it to your service manager's defaults. e.g. for s6/s6-rc:
$ sudo pacman -S seatd-s6
$ sudo touch /etc/s6/adminsv/default/contents.d
$ sudo s6-db-reload
elogind removalStrictly speaking, this part is optional. If you leave elogind on your system, it will still work fine. The dbus autostarting feature will make elogind always start by itself on login so it is a bit wasteful. You can opt to remove it totally.
$ sudo pacman -Rdd elogind
Of course,
never lightly use -Rdd but in this case it is okay. seatd only needs libelogind to function. Programs that depend on elogind should function perfectly fine with seatd/libseat. Artix needs to update the package dependencies to be a bit more generic, but for now this is OK.
Add users to groupsOne thing systemd (and by extension elogind) did was magically handle a lot of group stuff in the background. So your user did not need to be a part of the video group to start xorg for example. Without elogind, this no longer happens so you have to add your user to the correct groups if you want things to still work normally. See the Arch wiki page ( for a list of some of these groups. You almost
certainly want to add your user to audio and input at a minimum. seatd runs with the
seat user so you will need to add yourself there for graphics.
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER seat
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER audio
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER input
Add yourself and other users to more groups as needed. After that, you can just perform a reboot and you should be good to go. Enjoy using seatd!
Will this feature be only available in universe repo or it could be moved to official repos?
Looking forward to seatd support in 66! :)
Edit: Just replaced elogind with seatd, rebooted and it works, thanks!
There is a seatd-suite66 in universe. I am currently trying to get a sort of logind selection/option for the scripts, instead of a hard dep on one or the other.
Universe is just a stopgap for now until we finish updating our packaging to support any logind backend. elogind is a bit of a hard depend at the moment.
Hmm, curiously it works with elogind removed (didn't remove elogind-suite66 and libelogind though, as they report the removal would break dependencies) and seatd and seatd-suite66 installed.
Yep :) though I want to figure out a way to make 66 accept variable in *depends field or may have to do something similar to how Dudemanguy did it in s6.
I am running 66 as well. Will consider switching to seatd in the future.
Is it planned for openrc and runit too?
Of course. It's just that myself and
@ndowens are the main ones working on this and we use s6 and suite66 respectively. :P
I have just finished a major rewrite of pam_rundir and you can see the source here ( The functionality should be the same. I removed the complicated counting logic the original implementation had and instead used utmp for tracking user logins. Additional other small improvements are in there like switching to snsprintf() and so on. The universe package has been updated to this new release (v1.1.0). Please try it and let me know if you encounter any problems.
Sidenote: the package now has an install file that adds the line to pam on install and removes it on uninstall so you don't have to do it manually anymore. Ideally this just gets added to the default pambase file in the future.
No problem
@Dudemanguy. I don´t panic. Good things come to those who can wait :)
Actually I wanted to have tried s6 & Co for a long time, but little time and the complexity have prevented me so far.
Btw... great job
Hello, I followed this tutorial but I got a message like this link:
I don't know if I have to set an environment variable or something like that. I followed step by step carefully.
At the moment I switched back to elogind.
Best regards.
Have you enabled as the article says?
If it's not working, you can do it "manually" like the Qt apps do:
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/tmp/runtime-$(id -un)"
mkdir -p "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" && chmod 700 "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" &&
While I'll stay with elogind on Artix until package dependencies are sorted out, I'll try building and running on other Linux distros (where I'm already using seatd).
pam_rundir should automatically set the environment variable. Are you saying it did not?
Small update, I discovered a subtle bug in pam_rundir. You had to play around with a few users to hit it. This should now be fixed. I also ported it over to utmpx.h instead of utmp.h (the latter is deprecated). This is updated in universe as version 1.2.0.
Hello, I tried those steps again but in my case I couldn't make it work.
I attach the image from my TTY, I don't know if I am missing something, I also tried what
@capezotte replied but in my case I haven't had success.
Sad to say, I'm at a loss there. That error does not appear to be any issue with the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and so I think that part is working correctly. That sway error occurs when it is unable to find any logind or seatd session at all. So even though the seatd daemon is running for you and your user appears to be in the correct group, for some reason it cannot find it. When you logged in was there a /run/user/1000 directory (or something similar)?
seatd updateUpstream has fixed the VT crash that occurred with wlroots. The fixes have been backported to seatd-0.6.2-1.3. If you had the patched version of libinput I previously provided, you can get rid of it by simply reinstalling it from the Artix repos.
# pacman -S libinput
You will need to restart your seatd service. Obviously, this will kill your graphical session so be prepared.
# s6-svc -r /run/s6-rc/servicedirs/seatd-srv
Now you can start Sway (or any other wlroots compositor) again and you should be able to seamlessly switch VTs.
Hi again, I did those steps again and I still have no success with sway. The /run/user/1000 exists but it was completely empty, when i install elogind again, it contains some stuffs.
Something I got curious was when I restarted the seatd service and my graphical session was killed, I don't know if that's suppose to be normal.
When I install elogind back everything goes to normal but I guess this is not the purpose of this post :P
What I also look a bit strange sway should look for seatd backend instead of liblogind, right?
I realised I am a retard and I forgot that I have the env "LIBSEAT_BACKEND=logind" variable in /etc/profile.d/
cat /etc/profile.d/
export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
#export QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.25
#export LIBSEAT_BACKEND=logind
I just commented and everything is working fine.
Hah, glad you figured it out! And yeah don't kill/restart elogind or seatd unless you like having your graphics killed.
Small update. pam_rundir, seatd-s6, and seatd-suite66 have been all been moved out of Universe and into gremlins and galaxy-gremlins. Additionally, the pambase package has been updated and placed into gremlins. If you had previously installed the Universe packages, the new pambase package will generate a .pacnew file. Overwriting the old file with the .pacnew is recommended.
If you use NetworkManager you should keep in mind this to make it work with seatd backend.
I use Runit, and I'd like to help with getting this working, although I have some questions first, as I use an elogind script to lock the screen before sleeping, and the dbus functionality to tell xss-lock to lock the screen when I run `loginctl lock-session', would either of those be impacted? And if so, is there already a workaround?
If both of those are workable, then I already have the 0.6.2-1.3 version of seatd installed (which seems to be the latest version that can coexist with elogind), and I could try to help write a seatd-runit script to test.
The loginctl binary does not exist with seatd, so you could not call it directly. However, the compiled version of seatd that is in the repos does support the logind API. So calling the equivalent API request via another method (like say dbus for example) should still work.
Is there any particular reason for this change? I’m not going to switch to elogind-less seatd at the moment, but seatd is required by wlroots.
Edit: in case someone is reading this & wondering what happened, see this thread (,3080.html)
It shouldn't be too hard to work around the 'loginctl' binary issue if it keeps the dbus side, so that should be good enough. Any tips for starting off writing the script, based on how it works on s6?
Edit: I have a temporary init script, where should I send it after I test it? I don't have a PKGBUILD made for it yet, just the /etc/runit/sv/seatd/run script.
A suggestion: the seatd-as-elogind-replacement package could contain a rewritten version of the /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/73-seat-late.rules file (included with elogind), which would chmod 666 device files tagged with uaccess (or run another command that does something with the ACLs like elogind itself does).
It'd obviate the need for users to add themselves to groups.
I know libelogind comes from libsystemd, but what aspect of it does seatd need to work?
Late here, but is there a non-systemd/elogind program that can do this? I'm not too aware of this kind of thing.
The seatd in the repos is compiled with elogind support so it's linked to libelogind. It's used to implement the loginctl API.
I tried to run the seatd-runit package in the gitea unsuccessfully. After looking around I still don't know why, but lightdm refused to keep me logged in.
It looked as though it just started X and then immediately killed it. I could only get to the desktop using startx and ~/.xinitrc. I'm not even sure the problem is with seatd-runit but I checked the permissions of .Xauthority, that seatd was running and that I was in at least the seatd, input and audio groups.
Unsuccessfully might be a bit harsh, I guess. I could still run the setup without a display manager, but I'd rather not.
I tried changing the script to run exec /usr/bin/seatd -u seatd -g seatd instead of /usr/bin/seatd -g video. I noticed no difference.
I also noticed that anything that requires the DE to elevate privileges (shutdown, mount from filemanager) doesn't work, it will simply tell you that you don't have the right privileges.
Oh yeah, someone needs to update the script and add seatd-runit to the repos. We have it for all the other init systems.
DEs should be able to start with seatd. I actually don't know if the other elevated privileges stuff would work, but if it's part of the loginctl API I think it should. For instance, I can mount usb devices without polkit asking me for a password at least. I don't know the details of what GUI buttons do in desktop environments though so it's possible that might not work.
Edit: Oh I just remembered. The runit DE init scripts all do a dbus check to see if elogind is running. So yeah it wouldn't work without some changes.
I'm not aware of any pre-made programs (or PAM modules?) for fully simulating the {systemd-,e}logind per-logged-in-user ACL functionality, either.
Personally, I think
chmod 666 are good enough solutions, and they mostly avoid the problem of reintroducing the possibility of rootless keyloggers that comes with adding yourself to group
input. The reasoning for "chmod 666 bad" I've seen on a logind dev's blogpost ( seems kind of contrived, to be honest).
Another possibility is doing a throwback to 2008 and calling
setfacl with a e.g.
plugdev group (or all regular-user UIDs on the system).
Yeah chmod 666 is probably a better solution as a stopgap for now. I'll do some testing with that when I get some time. Maybe later I can actually look into uaccess and see how this all works.
I saw that the seatd-runit package got moved to testing recently, so I tried it again in the hope that it would work, but I got the same problems as last time. These runit DE init scripts you talk about, what are they? sv check dbus is on some scripts, and deleting those either did nothing or brought me to a black screen without even the possibility of accessing a tty.
Welp, I'm throwing in the towel. Even on a fresh install I couldn't get seatd to work with runit. If anyone got it to run I'd like to know what they did and their setup.
Of course after I say that I find what the source of the problem was. I accidentally found this when I forgot to remove pam_rundir and reinstalled elogind and elogind itself also started to have this problem. Once I remove pam_rundir, the infinite login loop problem goes away, but now I don't have XDG_RUNTIME_DIR so things like sound don't work.
At least now it was narrowed down to something.
Edit: Also found out that the inability for my DE to elevate privileges apparently comes from it using polkit to do these things, and the lack of support from polkit for anything that isn't (e)logind. Also, pam_rundir does set the environment variable and create the proper folders when I login through the tty and use startx, it just gives me the infinite login loop on the display manager (lightdm, might try another one).
I've successfully made the switch to seatd from elogind based off @Dudemanguy 's post. I wanted to note a couple of things I had to do to get the same level of functionality that comes bundled with elogind.
First I had to troubleshoot why X wasn't starting. I autostart X on login with xinit based off the information provided in the Arch wiki ( The environment variable
$XDG_VTNR set by elogind was not present so I had to remove that from my .bash_profile.
Second, after removing elogind from the system via
pacman -Rdd elogind, I had to ignore this package in
/etc/pacman.conf with
IgnorePkg = elogind due to the fact that xorg-server upgrade pulled it back in and it took over acpi events from acpid (third point).
Third, I had to install acpid and register handlers for my laptop to get the lid close functionality that was being provided by elogind. In
case "$3" in
monitor_count=$(DISPLAY=:0 xrandr | grep -c -e '\sconnected')
if [ "$monitor_count" -eq 1 ]; then
DISPLAY=:0 /bin/xset s activate
/bin/sleep 1
/bin/echo mem > /sys/power/state
DISPLAY=:0 /bin/xset dpms force off
Fourth, I had another frequently open program KeePassXC that responded to dbus events that were not being triggered anymore. To gain this functionality back on screen lock activation I call a script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
/usr/bin/dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.MainWindow /keepassxc org.keepassxc.MainWindow.lockAllDatabases
Lastly, running rootless X I did not have to add myself to the seatd group, though I did have to add myself to the video group.
I tried installing seatd-runit and it worked out fine. I had to make a small change to get my slim-runit to use seatd, but after that it worked fine.
However, after reboot I saw messages during shutdown about elogind still running. It was started by something at boot.
I could not find any runit startup, but then I tried removing it. I see this
# pacman -R elogind
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing elogind breaks dependency 'elogind' required by libappindicator-gtk3
:: removing elogind breaks dependency 'elogind' required by networkmanager
:: removing elogind breaks dependency 'elogind' required by polkit
:: removing elogind breaks dependency 'elogind' required by xorg-server
I suppose that means I either have some wrong package installed or I cannot remove elogind fully. I am running this on my rpi4 with armtix and the xorg-server looks like this
# packer -Qi xorg-server
Name : xorg-server
Version : 21.1.1-3.1
Description : Xorg X server
Architecture : aarch64
Licenses : custom
Groups : xorg
Depends On : libepoxy libxfont2 pixman xorg-server-common libunwind dbus libgl xf86-input-libinput nettle elogind
libpciaccess libdrm libxshmfence libxcvt
Optional Deps : None
Required By : None
Optional For : None
Conflicts With : nvidia-utils<=331.20 glamor-egl xf86-video-modesetting
Replaces : glamor-egl xf86-video-modesetting
Installed Size : 3.54 MiB
Packager : Unknown Packager
Build Date : Tue 23 Nov 2021 02:44:45 GMT
Install Date : Sat 27 Nov 2021 12:17:56 GMT
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : Yes
Validated By : SHA-256 Sum
I suppose it might be feasible to provide something in both seatd and elogind provides that would create a solution.
For now I switch back to elogind.
OK I see that the actual dependency is libelogind so I guess the pacman -Rdd elogind is OK.
Yeah it's probably OK to -Rdd elogind but expect some things to break.
OK I tried seatd with elogind removed and noticed that Networkmanager works, but I cannot use the disconnect and some other controls in openbox with the network-manager-applet. The disconnect fails with an authorisation message.
It may be I need to set up some policy with a polkit file and or add myself to some group.
Edit: I was already in the wheel & network groups and so I followed the instructions here and set up a polkit file as in that article. After that I was able to force remove elogind and the network-manager-applet behaved properly.
Today I was playing around with consolekit2 and found out that it has support for polkit. So, weirdly enough, after all this I'm neither using seatd nor elogind, just plain consolekit2 and absolutely nothing broke (note: I'm using xinitrc instead of a DM, so that might not work). I've heard that consolekit2 and seatd go well together to provide as an alternative to elogind, but right now I'm not seeing any reason to add seatd into the mix. It'd be nice to have consolekit2 and a consolekit configured polkit in the repositories. As of now, I'm using AUR packages that I have to configure to build correctly and to use the latest versions.
Now, I think libelogind isn't going anywhere soon unless I change to wayland.
Fresh install of OpenRC Lxqt and seatd.
Added user to seatd group, added to audio, video etc.
Can't login as normal user. Added user to input group.
I can login as root, but not as normal user. Thank you..
Changed Lightdm to Sddm, now it works.
I installed seatd on 2 machines and sadly had to revert back.
I had the same NetworkManager issue as replabrobin #41, couldn't connect or disconnect even thought I was on the required groups the BTW wiki (Archwiki) to the rescue (
doas bash -c " echo -e 'polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if ("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.") == 0 && subject.isInGroup("network")) {
return polkit.Result.YES;
});' >> /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/50-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.rules"
instantly fixed it.
What stopped working was Plasma on Wayland although Enlightenment seemed to work fine and Firefox wasn't able anymore to read u2f keys like the Google Titan.
I reverted back on bare metal but I'm setting up a vm to keep testing it. Things like opendoas seatd or toybox have a special place on my heart because they don't load 30 or 40 years of legacy on to my cpu!
I have been using S6- XFCE. Just removed Elogind, but I can't restart or shutdown anymore.
I can login into XFCE, but restart and shutdown has been greyed out.
Added user to groups -wheel, audio, video, storage, input, disk.
Thank you.
Most likely GUI methods for restart/shutdown internally rely on (e)logind commands like loginctl poweroff
This can be easily fixed by creating a script /usr/bin/loginctl (or /usr/bin/systemctl) with logic to parse loginctl's arguments and call /usr/bin/shutdown or init-specific programs to handle shutdown/reboot directly.
Update: A quick 66 demonstration:
cat <<EOT
Usage: ${0##*/} [halt|reboot|poweroff]
case $1 in
halt) 66-hpr -h;;
reboot) 66-hpr -r;;
poweroff) 66-hpr -p;;
*) show_usage
This should be because polkit doesn't support seatd/seatd doesn't support polkit, I made a post about it in this thread. Aside from the shutdown/reboot buttons being greyed out, anything that needs elevated privileges (mounting/unmounting from file manager if you're not in the storage group, gparted, timeshift, etc) won't work unless you do it in a terminal.
Also to note is that other packages like xorg-server will pull in elogind again. I had to add that to IgnorePkg in /etc/pacman.conf. And a full system upgrade is done by:
pacman -Syudd
after checking that is the only dependency check not allowing a normal upgrade to go forward. Ignoring packages is not supported by Artix developers, so do so at your own risk. However, without doing so will allow elogind to be installed again.
I'm not sure if you have configuration options to configure the commands that respond to gui interactions (or if this would affect the gui UX at all), but in the terminal I had to write a super server to handle reboot/shutdown without using
doas since the execline scripts wrap a binary owned by root
/bin/reboot. If you did the same and configure the buttons with event handlers for your commands, it might be something that allows the interaction?
# /etc/s6/adminsv/hpr-srv/run
#!/usr/bin/env -S execlineb -P
s6-ipcserver /run/hpr
s6-ipcserver-access -i data/rules
s6-sudod s6-linux-init-hpr
Then under the service dir:
data/rules/uid/1000/allow to allow uid 1000 to send privleged commands to the root binary for hpr operations provided by s6-linux-init-hpr binary.
An accompanying bash script to speak to the super server throught the socket:
$HOME/.local/bin/reboot#!/usr/bin/env bash
s6-sudo /run/hpr -r
Now you might be able to configure your gui to use the script. I don't know how any of those gui mechanisms work, but thought I might throw out an idea based on my experience of what I had to do to after switching to seatd for feature parity with what elogind was providing.
For those that use pipewire, wireplumber does not work with seatd. You have to either use elogind (instead of seatd) or pipewire-media-session (instead of wireplumber).
That’s only because Artix compiles Wireplumber without “-Delogind=disabled” as an argument:
And compiling wireplumber with said argument does in fact make it useable with seatd, though it apparently affects Bluetooth-usage:
But I haven’t tested that, since I don’t use Bluetooth - and even then it seems a minor inconvenience, since I suspect that most would start pipewire on their own :)
Thank you guys for this work! Im glad im found this.
elogind was the last pain wich had to be to removed :)
Everything works so far perfectly (openrc).
The only thing, i cant shutdown/reboot over GUI (KDE) anymore. sudo shutdown or sudo reboot works.
Sadly, i dont quite understand this and how to implement this for openrc:,3050.msg23032.html#msg23032
Edit: and i found out that i cant install ungoogled-chromium so simple anymore, because it has a depency on systemd (i think elogind delivered this depency before?). Is there a easy way to fake it?
I installed it now with pacman -Sdd ungoogled-chromium. But i think there could now be missing some missing depencys because with that command i skipped the check. So far it started normaly anyway. found out that this fix this:
Edit2: After 10 hours more fiddeling... so far everything works. except like mentioned the shutdown/reboot over gui,
and programms cant ask for root password (kate for example to save something under /etc/X11/ for example). Or grub-customizer.
Already found out, that this is possible a problem with polkit, because following error i get:[user@polis ~]$ /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1
New PolkitAgentListener 0x560214096800
Adding new listener PolkitQt1::Agent::Listener(0x5602140c0fd0) for 0x560214096800
Listener online
"Cannot register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject"
Authentication agent result: false
Couldn't register listener!
[user@polis ~]$
[user@polis ~]$ grub-customizer
localuser:root being added to access control list
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR net.launchpad.danielrichter2007.pkexec.grub-customizer ====
Authentication is required to run Grub Customizer
Authenticating as: user
polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie
Error executing command as another user: Not authorized
This incident has been reported.
localuser:root being removed from access control list
[user@polis ~]$
The Text translated from the Picture:
The document cannot be saved because writing to /test is not possible.
Please check if you have write permissions for the file and if there is enough space. The original file may be deleted or damaged. Do not exit the program until the file has been written successfully.Edit: This just fixed somehow self, after i installed today virt-manager, qemu etc and tutanota (and for tutanota gnome-keyring) and a update with pacman -Syu.
seatd works on dinit?
I was greeted with a login prompt from tty after doing these steps from the op. But I had did it in a terminal in mate from gui and it didn't crash mate.
Lightdm I started manually but won't let me login...
I can login as root though. Strange. Root but not user.
Is there a group for open console or xorg my user might need?
Xf86OpenConsole can not open virtual console 7 permission denied
The ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log seems to repeat the same error but offers no new insights. pastebin nonetheless
I installed xfce4 from tty after rebooting to bypass lightdm and see what startxfce4 would throw at me
Can only login as root to reach a gui. Please advise.
should i thus install xf86-input-evdev?
some of this looks relevant possibly...
Everyone likely gone to bed in Europe by now...
Switching back to elogind I am not greeted with a command prompt but lightdm no longer allows autologin
removing pam_rundir restored autologin under elogind so i conclude pam_rundir is the problem i was having with xf86OpenConsole permissions issue? And also the issue with why i couldn't login except through root to the gui.
back on elogind for now.
tried it one more time
clealry this is the failing step. i had added my user to seat and created seatd and added it to that also but that was of no avail and since you say seat is all that's required i deleted the seatd group after all. either way it's no dice.
I have now found a way to shutdown/reboot convenient.
Atleast on KDE. On KDE i had everytime this Addon: (dont know why redirects to pling if you search for something).
This worked for me, because i dont use KDEs Applauncher (im using instead rofi) and had mentioned addon added to my topbar.
Now i found this addon:
This allows to run a custom script or command.
So i installed zenity, and wrote following Script:
var=$(zenity --width=300 --height=220 --list --radiolist --text="" --title="System" --column "Auswahl" --column "Aktion" False Herrunterfahren TRUE Neustart)
if [ -n "${var}" ];then
case $var in
sudo poweroff
sudo reboot
Added poweroff and reboot to sudoers file.
And edited my Button to run this script.
Now it looks like attached.
If you hold back
elogind and were using
pipewire-media-session, recent updates may have switched you to
wireplumber. e.g
pipewire-pulse for bluetooth audio. To switch to using
wireplumber, first write a service to start it as a user service when logging in, then configure
wireplumber to not use logind.
mkdir -p ~/.config/wireplumber/bluetooth.lua.d
cp /usr/share/wireplumber/bluetooth.lua.d/50-bluez-config.lua ~/.config/wireplumber/bluetooth.lua.d/
# set default true to false within lua file
["with-logind"] = false
This will allow you to start wireplumber without a logind on your system.
Thanks a lot! With this I could finally try seatd with bluetooth. It works :D.
Interesting. Tried pipewire and wireplumber out now. After that i dont have sound at all. pavucontrol and kde says there is no audio available.
Pipewire and Wireplumber arent started after system start either. I can start them manually in the terminal. but no sound too.Forgot to start pipewire-pulse.
I have switched to seatd on dinit, it works fine, i did not need any workaround for wireplumber, and there is no lingering logind process anywhere which is nice.
However i encountered 2 small nagging issues that are worth asking here:
-polkit doesn't work, probably for obvious reasons but is there any new hack to make it work?
-Turnstile does not start properly. /run/turnstiled is created but empty and no --services-dir arguments get passed to it's process. What can i look for if anything is missing in the env? It should work as the pair should complement each other, if i'm not wrong
@konimex My pam.d/system-login has and after it.
I believe you shouldn't need
pam_rundir here at all since Turnstile already has its own way to manage
$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR enabled via
Also, unfortunately I found that I wasn't able to continue using purely
seatd due to the fact that
libpulse and
spice-vdagent depend on
(e)logind. Is there anything I could do regarding that?
No, it would take a fully functional elogind replacement, ie turnstile + seatd.
Seatd alone can't replace elogind.
Just read the readme
Well, by "purely
seatd" I should have been more precise and said that I was in fact running it with Turnstile. Even so, the aforementioned packages depend specifically on
elogind, so I wouldn't know how to rebuild those using Turnstile +
I've been trying to make greetd work without success, but after putting sddm back, lo and behold the user dinit process appeared and was working. Of course it's gone again after a reboot.
sddm seems to export everything by it's own, so the desktop session works without pam_rundir and even without turnstile.
In a tty however i need pam_rundir for XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to be exported.*also to note, the user doesn't get added to the seat group automatically, it maybe can hinder something but nothing so far changed after adding it.
LE: Okay nevermind, i got greetd to work, then i edited /etc/turnstile/turnstiled.conf and now it does work without pam_rundir, and the user dinit services are starting!
So pam_rundir (and also sddm in some cases) conflicts with turnstile.
tl:dr it worked exactly as you said and guess i'm on Wayland now :D
LE2: It still works with sddm and a X11 session, but it messes with the environment a bit.
*another note: in dinit the (system) dbus service gets disabled, i didn't notice this at first since the user service by turnstile does most things, only gvfs and system_bus_socket didn't work in my case.
Heh, i just realized, how in God's name is the system dbus service starting an instance of elogind-daemon?
I figured it out: delete this file: /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.freedesktop.login1.service
*One more note: for getting the power button to register on non supported DE's, under the default acpi script
/etc/acpi/, add the poweroff command at this argument:
logger 'PowerButton pressed'
I tried to use seatd instead of elogind but:
pacman -R elogind
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing elogind breaks dependency 'elogind' required by elogind-dinit
:: removing elogind breaks dependency 'elogind' required by gnome-desktop-common
:: removing elogind breaks dependency 'elogind' required by libpulse
:: removing elogind breaks dependency 'elogind' required by networkmanager
:: removing elogind breaks dependency 'elogind' required by polkit
:: removing elogind breaks dependency 'elogind' required by rtkit
No DE I use bspwm.
In the first post it says you need to use -Rdd.
You can even leave it alone since realistically the only thing that can start it is the system instance of dbus.
What would be required for seatd alone (no elogind neither turnstile) to let docker + vagrant work?
Everything seems to be working fine except for docker. Upon doing vagrant up I get:
Stderr: docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create endpoint <...>_1740448731 on network bridge: failed to add the host (veth8af48a7) <=> sandbox (veth907cd9c) pair interfaces: operation not supported.
It seems I would need some priviliege to create a bridge? No idea... BTW my user is already included in the docker group, and I just tried adding it unsuccessfully to the network group. With elogind this was working or course. I read one needs to add their user into the groups as opposed to what happens with logind, but I have no clue. Is this possible at all? If not with seatd alone, perhaps with tunstile? Or is this some sort of logind only thing?
@kixik Might be an ambigous answer and excuse me in advance but there are embedded distros like OpenWrt who can do Docker and use no login stuff at all, a review of how their packages are built might provide a clue, if you have the time of course.
If it works with Turnstile you can turn off the user service backend without much hassle.