Artix Linux Forum

Init systems => S6 => Topic started by: AlexanderAlex on 02 February 2022, 08:02:08

Title: [SOLVED] Packages at and at-s6 conflict
Post by: AlexanderAlex on 02 February 2022, 08:02:08
Both packages provide /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/80-atd.hook
Title: Re: Packages at and at-s6 conflict
Post by: strajder on 02 February 2022, 08:44:43
Thanks for reporting this, this will be looked into.
Title: Re: Packages at and at-s6 conflict
Post by: Ambie on 02 February 2022, 09:35:10
at-openrc also provide 80-atd.hook.
Title: Re: Packages at and at-s6 conflict
Post by: strajder on 02 February 2022, 09:49:49
at-openrc also provide 80-atd.hook.
All at-<insert_init_system> packages provide it. It is just that the package at didn't provide that hook until recently. As said above, this will be looked into. Patience.
Title: Re: Packages at and at-s6 conflict
Post by: Dudemanguy on 02 February 2022, 15:41:04
at 3.2.4-1.1 should fix this.