Artix Linux Forum

Artix Linux => Announcements => Topic started by: damnwidget on 10 April 2018, 23:33:12

Title: Artix needs your help
Post by: damnwidget on 10 April 2018, 23:33:12
As many of you know, our primary mirror ( was taken down  the past April 7th by his owner. The reasons had not been clarified and we don't know if it is going to come back any time soon, or any time at all.

We are in real need of a new ( and really stable ) main  mirror and multiple secondary mirrors located around the world, is for that that we ask you, our community to help us to spread this message over the Internet, in social networks, blogs, forums, IRC channels and other media.

We are in need with urgency  any of the following:

Apart from that we also need more nodes for our automatic packages build infrastructure, the requirements for those nodes are:

If you are in position to help us with your own infrastructure or you are in position to offer a mirror or a bare metal machine  in your college, high school or work place, contact with us by any medium that you like or just answer to this post in the forum

Where to find us?

Thank you.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: Nadir on 11 April 2018, 17:32:06
Regarding the mirror, what is the space needed?
Do you need root access?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: damnwidget on 11 April 2018, 21:26:39
Regarding the mirror, what is the space needed?

Not that much, something between 20 and 30 gigs would suffice for now (but that requirement may change in the future)

That depends of the skills of the owner, we don't need root access, in fact we don't need access at all but as I said, that depends on the owner.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: carlosalvatore on 16 April 2018, 04:00:34
Hi, I quote this guy Goineasy9 from
FYI - I finally solved my problem by going to DistroWatch, looking at the mirrors for the top distros, and e-mailing the administrators of each one I found asking if they would host the new distro. I stopped after finding three. While mirror lists like the one that Aron googled up were helpful, most of the mirrors contained on those lists didn't respond. University LUGs were the most helpful.

Perhaps his solution may apply for you.

Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 16 April 2018, 04:20:36
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 16 April 2018, 04:25:14

Oh - have been running
rsync -avz --delete rsync:// /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/nylxs/mirror/

it is not up to date now
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 16 April 2018, 04:27:34
Apart from that we also need more nodes for our automatic packages build infrastructure, the requirements for those nodes are:

    i7 CPU (or similar) with at least 8 cores
    4 or more GB of RAM ( ideally eight or more than eight )
    Artix GNU/Linux installed on it
    Full root access

NYLXS can do the space and bandwidth, but we need a donation of the hardware.
something like this
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: fungalnet on 16 April 2018, 12:53:50

Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 17 April 2018, 00:55:04
Thanks everyone for their help. A primary mirror has been setup by @Nadir and the secondary ones should resume sync'ing soon. Matej has contacted the administrator of an academic network, who's agreed to setup a mirror too. This went better (and sooner) than expected. Well done!

@mrbrklyn We could add your mirror to our mirrorlist, once you solve the update issue.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: fungalnet on 17 April 2018, 23:13:29
Someone  commented on the article I put up saying that ibiblio ( has been very reliable for years.  I did not read the details and I am not sure whether it can serve as a primary repository, but possibly an additional mirror.

Thank you @nadir
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: psy0nic on 17 April 2018, 23:55:50
Someone  commented on the article I put up saying that ibiblio ( has been very reliable for years.  I did not read the details and I am not sure whether it can serve as a primary repository, but possibly an additional mirror.

Thank you @nadir

ibiblio has been around since the dawn of time but I find them a bit slow most of the time at least for the Cygwin repos. mirrors some things as well including Arch, Ubuntu, Mint to name a few.  Not sure what their requirements are though.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 21 April 2018, 08:01:02
wjat do I do to add the new mirrors?  I have to edit /etc/pacman.conf?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: Hydromover on 21 April 2018, 09:11:34 would like to volunteer assistance.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 21 April 2018, 09:32:36 would like to volunteer assistance.
They can setup an rsync cronjob from rsync:// (http://rsync:// Cheers and thanks!
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 21 April 2018, 09:36:48
They can setup an rsync cronjob from rsync:// (http://rsync:// Cheers and thanks!

it looks like there was a slight change to the tree structure. 

when I run

rsync -avz  rsync://  /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/nylxs/mirror/

it returns

Same if I try to pull from the root
rsync -avz  rsync:// :/  /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/nylxs/mirror/

when I run
 rsync -avz  rsync://  /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/nylxs/mirror/
it doesn't include the repos and isos subdirectories

I've actually never seen rsync do this before , that is return just a message 'artix-linux'

Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 21 April 2018, 10:07:10
The ISOs subdir in mirror1 syncs separately from sourceforge and is not exported through rsyncd. We use a top-level directory of artix-linux to make it easier for secondary mirrors to discern what (and where) they're downloading. If you rsync directly from  rsync:// you'll get the repo subdirs neatly tucked below artix-linux.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: artoo on 21 April 2018, 13:46:35
Do we have new mirrors that need to be added to the artix-mirrorlist package?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 21 April 2018, 18:18:10
The ISOs subdir in mirror1 syncs separately from sourceforge and is not exported through rsyncd. We use a top-level directory of artix-linux to make it easier for secondary mirrors to discern what (and where) they're downloading. If you rsync directly from  rsync:// you'll get the repo subdirs neatly tucked below artix-linux.

That doesn't apear to be how it is behaving.  The subdirs yes, but not a root named repos.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 21 April 2018, 21:32:46

That doesn't apear to be how it is behaving.  The subdirs yes, but not a root named repos.

You can rsync from mirror1 into whatever directory you like. Your mirror doesn't have to have a repos or an artix-linux or a freshdonuts URL.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 22 April 2018, 07:04:58
You can rsync from mirror1 into whatever directory you like. Your mirror doesn't have to have a repos or an artix-linux or a freshdonuts URL.

well, I did it and it has a repos and is an exact copy of mirror1 new
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: LizziAS on 20 October 2018, 18:58:25
This article is old by 6 months.  Is this still an issue?

i have an ryzen5 2400g apu with 16gb ram and i am about to install artix on the ssd.  Would you like some access to the hardware for package building?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 20 October 2018, 23:43:38
This article is old by 6 months.  Is this still an issue?

i have an ryzen5 2400g apu with 16gb ram and i am about to install artix on the ssd.  Would you like some access to the hardware for package building?
Would we? BUTOFCOURSE!  :o

I'm sending you a PM with details.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 23 October 2018, 13:13:40
You can rsync from mirror1 into whatever directory you like. Your mirror doesn't have to have a repos or an artix-linux or a freshdonuts URL.

so I am confused about what I am doing wrong?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 24 October 2018, 00:24:10
so I am confused about what I am doing wrong?

But your mirror hasn't sync'ed since June.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 24 October 2018, 13:09:23

But your mirror hasn't sync'ed since June.

Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 25 October 2018, 00:50:27
Am I looking at the wrong mirror?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 25 October 2018, 03:08:39
probably.  I didn't notice and I am not sure what caused that.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 25 October 2018, 03:10:32
Code: [Select]
00 */1 * * *   rsync -avz --delete rsync:// /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/nylxs/mirror/repos/ 2>&1 > /dev/null
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: Sero on 25 October 2018, 05:09:41

using full path to rsync binary
check under what user rsync runs from that cronjob
check if the write permissions are there for the local 'repos' dir

start by ditching the 2>&1 > /dev/null  so you can get some output for debugging

also, the timing is simpler as   0 * * * *   - 0 minute of every hour.

I use a local mail server to get notifications from cron and other things, helps with finding bugs.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 25 October 2018, 09:52:20
probably.  I didn't notice and I am not sure what caused that.
Seems fixed now, great!
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 26 October 2018, 05:25:39

I ran it by hand, so it might apear fixed but the cron job might still be failing.  I think I might need to reboot that server since the last upgrade.  Maybe there is a library conflict in cron.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 27 October 2018, 01:59:51
Actually, you are correct, it now is working evidently.  I restarted cron and it seems to be happy.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: guzzisti on 10 February 2019, 19:51:20

how often should a "normal" mirror sync with the primary mirrors? Is once an hour enough?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 10 February 2019, 22:02:21
Yes, it's more than enough. Some of our mirrors only sync every 8 hours or so. The primary mirror syncs directly from the build server every 20 minutes.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 11 February 2019, 15:23:04
The ISOs subdir in mirror1 syncs separately from sourceforge and is not exported through rsyncd. We use a top-level directory of artix-linux to make it easier for secondary mirrors to discern what (and where) they're downloading. If you rsync directly from  rsync:// you'll get the repo subdirs neatly tucked below artix-linux.

is it correct now?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: casaubon on 11 February 2019, 22:48:39

I'm the administrator of a private school in Hamburg, Germany. I'd like to provide a build server or at least a repo server for artix.
It would be nice, if one of the administrators of this site could contact me to discuss the requests or provide me with a contact person.

P.S.: my email should be in your database :-)
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 11 February 2019, 22:56:29
I'm composing an email right now.  :D
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: guzzisti on 12 February 2019, 08:58:53
Good morning :)

I'd like to provide a mirror as well, it's already set up and syncs once a hour. It's located in Dresden, Germany.

Feel free to give it a try, i've already used it for some test installations.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 13 February 2019, 00:33:14
Good morning :)

I'd like to provide a mirror as well, it's already set up and syncs once a hour. It's located in Dresden, Germany.

Feel free to give it a try, i've already used it for some test installations.

Thank you, artoo has already pushed an updated mirrorlist to [gremlins].
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: grondinm on 11 February 2020, 12:29:59

Got a mirror setup at

Syncs every 2 hours. located in Skövde, Sweden
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 11 February 2020, 17:51:14
Cheers, will be added to the mirrorlist soon. Any info on the available bandwidth?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: SGOrava on 11 February 2020, 22:33:07
Cheers, will be added to the mirrorlist soon. Any info on the available bandwidth?

The information is provided at
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: grondinm on 12 February 2020, 00:12:41
Cheers, will be added to the mirrorlist soon. Any info on the available bandwidth?

As SGOrava said but Speed: 1Gbit unlimited transfer
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 12 February 2020, 19:59:01
Added ( Cheers!
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: ndowens on 28 April 2020, 00:12:09
I am using LXQT-openrc and it is running on a file server with a pair of disks mirrored for the files. The OS is on a separate hard drive.

I was also having the 'nss' error mentioned in another topic, but have successfully overcome that error by following the instructions.
Kodi ( Lucky Patcher ( nox (
Can anyone give any clues as to why this is happening please?
Wrong topic to post this in :D
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: maakpain on 19 June 2020, 14:46:31
Hello. I have recently built a secondary mirror at my home, and I want to provide it for the public.
I'm using an unmetered 100Mbps internet, so it won't hurt me to use some amounts of the bandwidth.
The server is located in a suburb of Seoul, South Korea, rsyncing from the Mirror1 every 4 hours.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 19 June 2020, 16:13:09
Added in gremlins/artix-mirrorlist, thanks!
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: guzzisti on 23 January 2021, 11:33:17
Sadly i have to shut my artix mirror down. It will go down on the end of february.

Would you please remove from the mirrorlist.

Thanks & keep up to good work.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 23 January 2021, 21:31:29
Sadly i have to shut my artix mirror down. It will go down on the end of february.
Thanks for having mirrored us, yours was one of the first out-of-Artix-infrastructure mirrors we had and helped ease the load.

Stay around!
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: yeetus on 30 January 2021, 21:08:12
Hey there,

I would like to provide you with a german (Frankfurt) mirror. It's a VPS with some gigabits, most of the time over 3Gb/s both up and down. I only use it to host my websites and mail, so I've got the bandwidth to spare, but it only has 128GB of SSD storage.

How big are the repos? If they're <=100GB, I'd happily set it up.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 03 February 2021, 00:14:17
Hey there,

I would like to provide you with a german (Frankfurt) mirror. It's a VPS with some gigabits, most of the time over 3Gb/s both up and down. I only use it to host my websites and mail, so I've got the bandwidth to spare, but it only has 128GB of SSD storage.

How big are the repos? If they're <=100GB, I'd happily set it up.
Thank you for your help!

You can setup your mirror according to the instructions here ( Our official repos are currently at around 11GB.
Our less "official" repo ([universe]) is less than 0.5GB at the moment, if you also could mirror that it would be great. It listens at rsync:// and it should be rsync-ed to a different destination path, e.g. /path/to/artix-universe

Thanks again. Please let us know when you set it up so we update the mirrorlist.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: yeetus on 03 February 2021, 19:18:27
Thank you for your help!

You can setup your mirror according to the instructions here ( Our official repos are currently at around 11GB.
Our less "official" repo ([universe]) is less than 0.5GB at the moment, if you also could mirror that it would be great. It listens at rsync:// and it should be rsync-ed to a different destination path, e.g. /path/to/artix-universe

Thanks again. Please let us know when you set it up so we update the mirrorlist.

I think I got it up and running!


Cron job for rsync runs every day, midnight UTC
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 04 February 2021, 00:03:26
I think I got it up and running!
Confirmed working and added to our latest mirrorlist ( Thanks!
Title: Artix is on's public mirror service
Post by: unixsheikh on 10 February 2021, 17:48:05
Hi all,

I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I just want to share the news that I have gotten Artix on's public mirror service, which generally is a very fast mirror.

As a gentle reminder, never trust a mirror service blindly, always validate the packages you download. As we all know pacman supports package signatures, so if something is off, make sure to investigate!

Have a nice one!
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: maakpain on 05 October 2021, 20:04:44
Hello, I've been running this mirror for about a year.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to keep this mirror online because of a personal trouble.
I'm certain that I will have to remove the forum account as well, so please accept my removal request.
I will be back in a new nickname, if I get another chance in the future. Thank you.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 07 October 2021, 13:00:16
Hello, I've been running this mirror for about a year.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to keep this mirror online because of a personal trouble.
I'm certain that I will have to remove the forum account as well, so please accept my removal request.
I will be back in a new nickname, if I get another chance in the future. Thank you.

We hope you resolve your trouble, wish you all the best.

Thank you for supporting us, we will update the mirrorlist.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: ClintS on 14 April 2022, 13:24:16
How can help the Artix Linux project we can also provide bare metal and or vps depending on requirements.

The site is located in Kentucky, USA
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: Dju on 28 May 2022, 14:43:28

I set up a mirror for artix main repo, and following the reading of this thread, also for universe
(sent an email to artoo, just in case)

hosted on a dedicated server in France, with 1 Gbps bandwidth. synced 3 times a day.
hope it helps   :)
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: suren on 29 May 2022, 17:57:34
what protocol you need to access?
http, ftp, ...
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: Dju on 29 May 2022, 18:24:52
Usually it's http or https to download the isos and packages.
Sometimes it can be rsync to create a new mirror from an existing one..
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 30 May 2022, 15:00:03
How can help the Artix Linux project we can also provide bare metal and or vps depending on requirements.
The site is located in Kentucky, USA
@ClintS I somehow missed your message, instruction to setup a mirror can be found at our wiki ( Thanks!
hosted on a dedicated server in France, with 1 Gbps bandwidth. synced 3 times a day.
hope it helps   :)
It does indeed, [universe] mirrorlist updated, I'll update our main mirrorlist once I get a stable internet connection, hopefully by tomorrow. Thank you!
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: Dju on 30 May 2022, 17:13:29
great !
(it contains an "iso" folder, and and "repos" folder, just like or
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 30 May 2022, 18:07:03
great !
(it contains an "iso" folder, and and "repos" folder, just like or
Our mirrorlist and download page have been updated with Cheers!
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 04 September 2022, 04:17:51
I asked before, but just to make  sure, is there a new rsyn for debug that I need to put on the active mirror at nylxs?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 04 September 2022, 13:32:40
I asked before, but just to make  sure, is there a new rsyn for debug that I need to put on the active mirror at nylxs?
Not ATM, but in the future the debug repos will be available through a separate rsync in order to ease the burden on mirrors.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: Lancia on 22 September 2022, 10:43:37
What are the general guidelines for adding packages that also exist in Arch repos?

Do we just take their PKGBUILD and make modifications that are necessary, or write our own?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: corysanin on 22 September 2022, 21:59:04
What are the general guidelines for adding packages that also exist in Arch repos?

Do we just take their PKGBUILD and make modifications that are necessary, or write our own?

The former.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: integrated.intranet on 29 September 2022, 00:03:39
I would like to contribute to package development. I was sent here by "Artist" from the IRC Chat
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: andy5995 on 15 January 2023, 06:18:46
Regarding Artix needing additional mirrors, maybe some of these would be willing? List of Slackware mirrors (
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: TopHatProductions115 on 15 January 2023, 14:59:37
I'd volunteer for mirror duty, but my server can only be online a maximum of 16 hours per day :(
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: wolitoph on 16 January 2023, 18:06:19

This new mirror is available.

Code: [Select]
Server =$repo/os/$arch

Some additional information:

Best regards


update 4.11.23

moksha and omniverse are mirrored too

Code: [Select]
Server =$arch/moksha

Code: [Select]
Server =$arch

ISO's files (

Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: wolitoph on 01 February 2023, 09:56:00

The Mirror list has been updated repo ( and I couldn't find the one I suggested, is there an issue with it?

Code: [Select]
Server =$repo/os/$arch

Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: lq on 01 February 2023, 14:33:15

Code: [Select]
# Server list generated by rankmirrors on 2023-02-01
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.411349
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.851779
#$repo/os/$arch ... 1.302399
#$repo/os/$arch ... 5.649842
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.393498
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.394546
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.837009
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.403317
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.473128
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.291660
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.276572
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.306779
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.385538
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.616940
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.272123
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.338842
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.244652
#$repo/os/$arch ... 1.824348
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.712913
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.449940
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.415023
#$repo/os/$arch ... 1.299830
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.834888
#$repo/os/$arch ... unreachable
#$repo/os/$arch ... 1.266823
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.898143
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.867361
#$repo/os/$arch ... 2.049269
#$repo/os/$arch ... 1.454868
#$repo/os/$arch ... unreachable
#$repo/os/$arch ... 1.010013
#$repo/os/$arch ... 1.220702
#$repo/os/$arch ... 1.719362
#$repo/os/$arch ... 2.396782
#$repo/os/$arch ... 4.849690
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.744564
#$repo/os/$arch ... timeout
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.983310
#$repo/os/$arch ... 1.987329
#$repo/os/$arch ... 1.408201
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.383442
#$repo/os/$arch ... timeout
#$repo/os/$arch ... 2.169931
#$repo/os/$arch ... 0.277462
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
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Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch

Do you have more questions?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: lq on 12 February 2023, 19:28:54

The Mirror list has been updated repo ( and I couldn't find the one I suggested, is there an issue with it?

Code: [Select]
Server =$repo/os/$arch

In my mirrorlist.conf the entry looks like this:

Code: [Select]
# Swiss Confederation
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 13 February 2023, 14:05:58
This new mirror is available.
Code: [Select]
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Some additional information:
  • It is synchronised every 4 hours
  • It is distributed, (cloudflare)
  • A monitor is available here (
  • rankmirrors ranks it pretty good according to my tests
Ah, you should have sent an email - I missed these posts. I'll update our mirrorlist as soon as you tell me which country the server is located in.
Thanks a lot for your support!
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: lq on 13 February 2023, 23:35:26
I'll update our mirrorlist as soon as you tell me which country the server is located in.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 14 February 2023, 00:51:00
Done, new mirrorlist is in [gremlins], but I'm getting a 404 + 'not authorized' error. You may want to look it up.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: wolitoph on 14 February 2023, 15:32:40
Ah, you should have sent an email - I missed these posts. I'll update our mirrorlist as soon as you tell me which country the server is located in.
Thanks a lot for your support!

Yes, I am from Switzerland but I store mirror using R2 Bucket on CloudFlare. It uses its own distribution system. For example, my VPS in Germany the source is Frankfurt in Switzerland I get data from Canada Ontario... In archlinux the category is World.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: wolitoph on 14 February 2023, 20:58:46
Done, new mirrorlist is in [gremlins], but I'm getting a 404 + 'not authorized' error. You may want to look it up.

Have you tried opening a directory ? If so then the 404 error is a false positive. There is not (for the moment) an automatic listing of the contents like with an Apache  server. But if you point to a file then you will get the file.
pacman doesn't need that feature. it appends only if you browse the repo.

I monitor some files and yesterday I don't detect a failure.

You can try :
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: gripped on 14 February 2023, 22:05:58
Humans appreciate it though. I'd be pissed it became normal for mirrors not to have directory indexing and imho a mirror which doesn't is a broken mirror.
Assuming nginx
Code: [Select]
location / {
    autoindex on;
You can be more specific with the location.

Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: wolitoph on 15 February 2023, 07:35:19

you don't have to, it's just a mirror and a technical issue. Solving it requires some code. But first I wanted to see if the mirror is used.

You can be more specific with the location.

No, due to the nature of Cloudflare services.

from R2 is now Generally Available (
Region: Automatic
We don’t want to live in a world where developers are spending time looking into a crystal ball and predicting where application traffic might come from. Choosing a region as the first step in application development forces optimization decisions long before the first users show up.

While S3 compatibility requires you to specify a region, the only region we support is ‘auto’. Today, R2 automatically selects a bucket location in the closest available region to the create bucket request. If I create a bucket from my home in Austin, that bucket will live in the closest available R2 region to Austin.

In the future, R2 will use data access patterns to automatically optimize where data is stored for the best user experience.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 15 February 2023, 14:03:45
The browser check is just quicker than editing the mirrorlist and running pacman to verify. All well though, the mirrorlist is now in [system].
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: gripped on 16 February 2023, 01:30:51
No, due to the nature of Cloudflare services.
R2 is now Generally Available (
I was referring to the location(s) / directories which allow indexing not location as in regions of the world.

Thank you for providing a mirror.
It would be far better imho if you allowed directory indexing. As I said directory indexing is very useful to humans in the context of a mirror service.
If you don't want to, or cannot, then just leave it as what I'd consider a partially functioning mirror.
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: wolitoph on 16 February 2023, 09:14:20
It would be far better imho if you allowed directory indexing. As I said directory indexing is very useful to humans in the context of a mirror service.
If you don't want to, or cannot, then just leave it as what I'd consider a partially functioning mirror.

I'm going to do it, and several people are asking on the Cloudflare forums for this possibility outside of the pro version.
I just need to write a component (worker) that reacts to the request. But until March 10th I have a lot of things to do.

I promise  ;)
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: sph on 29 September 2023, 14:15:25 up and running with hourly updates, hailing from Falkenstein, DE
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: mrbrklyn on 29 January 2024, 05:35:04
all ok?
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: prairievoice on 24 July 2024, 00:41:32
Hi all,

I have some excess server capacity and bandwidth available and would like to contribute by providing a second Canadian mirror to Artix.

I've created a mirror here:

Server is located in Montreal, Canada

Cron is set to sync hourly from the US rsync mirror
Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: Artist on 24 July 2024, 15:06:52
Hi prarievoice,

Thank you for your contribution to Artix Linux!

I have informed the maintainer of our mirrorlist about your new addition.

Title: Re: Artix needs your help
Post by: nous on 24 July 2024, 19:24:58
I've created a mirror here:
Got it, will update our mirror once I get to my laptop. Thanks for your support!