Artix Linux Forum

Artix Linux => Announcements => Topic started by: nous on 15 February 2023, 21:05:00

Title: First official installation media of 2023 released
Post by: nous on 15 February 2023, 21:05:00
After extensive testing and debugging, we are pleased to announce a fresh batch of official ISO images. For people who don't read instructions on the download page (, you can grab your favorite flavor and perform a base installation from the terminal of any init system you prefer, without the help of the calamares graphical installer and regardless of the running init of the live environment, thus taking advantage of a working desktop environment and direct access to our wiki and forum for guidance.

Please report anything not befitting our high quality releases here.  8)

Wallpaper borrowed from the Artix subreddit (
Title: Re: First official installation media of 2023 released
Post by: telamo9591 on 12 March 2023, 00:43:21
Title: Re: First official installation media of 2023 released
Post by: gripped on 12 March 2023, 00:52:54
That's not a very enlightening screenshot?

I'm guessing but maybe choose "Manual Partioning" and don't create a swap partition?
Of course you'll need to know how to do the manual partitioning.

Even if you don't know you can disable the swap partition one you've installed Artix.
Title: Re: First official installation media of 2023 released
Post by: telamo9591 on 12 March 2023, 01:24:59
It seemed to me that such a screenshot is enough, because in Сalamaris the swap choice is always next to the choice of the file system

Now let's talk about manual partitioning, I knew that someone would offer doing it manually :) You can install the entire system manually, but then why do you need an installer at all?

And lastly, I have once installed artix and I remember that you could manage swap in Calamaris, but then its not clear at all where this function had gone
Title: Re: First official installation media of 2023 released
Post by: gavincc on 12 March 2023, 10:35:51
that's a good point. it was there on previous .iso's but isn't now.   Hopefully a dev will pick this up soonish and address.  Give it a day or so and wait and see.  

Title: Re: First official installation media of 2023 released
Post by: lq on 15 March 2023, 11:25:13
And lastly, I have once installed artix and I remember that you could manage swap in Calamaris, but then its not clear at all where this function had gone

I can only offer you a solution.
If you want an explanation, you have to ask your question here:,5097.0.html

Code: [Select]
efiSystemPartition:     "/boot/efi"
    - none      # Create no swap, use no swap
    - small     # Up to 4GB
    - suspend   # At least main memory size
    - file      # To swap file instead of partition
alwaysShowPartitionLabels: true
initialPartitioningChoice: none
initialSwapChoice: none
defaultFileSystemType:  "ext4"
availableFileSystemTypes:  ["ext4","btrfs","f2fs","xfs"]
Title: Re: First official installation media of 2023 released
Post by: gavincc on 15 March 2023, 13:52:22
Good morning Nous, with this new set of .iso's. the ability to have a swap option when installing via the calamares installer has disappeared.  lq has kindly given a work around (,5197.msg33257/topicseen.html#msg33257), but was this an oversight or by design?   If the former, could it be re-added as it helps a lot of new folk to artix on install, if the latter, be interested to know the reason.   Thanks.
Title: Re: First official installation media of 2023 released
Post by: nous on 15 March 2023, 15:38:04
Topics merged and fix applied. New weeklies are being built ATM, will appear in the mirrors within 8 hours. Thanks for noticing and the gratuitous fix.