A friend from Telegram ( 'Huy Le Duc') created some logos for Artix. I'm posting them here for some feedback. I personally like the first one the most.
While I offered help with logo and webpage, some projects of mine suddenly kicked off and I needed to tend to them. I did, however some brainstorming and currently out of ~10-smth sketches the best IMO (not a final product) I came up with is this. I think the logo should stick to something simple, with typography as a bonus, so the symbol itself could function autonomously.
I like the concept and its simplicity. In the meantime, I've found some time to overhaul the website, it should be deployed in a few days.
Impressive work - I couldn't see the images unless I logged in for some reason btw.
I don't see any obvious unintended imagery myself, whether anyone else spots something... ;D :
https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=135017 (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=135017)
Got some time to hack on the logo. I'm fairly content with where this is going. What we have here is:
- "Basic" horizontal and vertical versions in light purple,
- "Irregular" horizontal version in blue,
- "Three-shard" horizontal version in greenish.
Haven't decided on color yet. All versions can function in both horizontal and vertical alignments. The symbol is autonomous and can function without the sign. Input is welcome.
Very cool. I like the blue one much. 8)
I like the one with the 3 triangles best, it brings out the A and deviates from arch.
As for color I like red. I really like the font too.
R-tix (where the R would blend with the arch sign).
Blue and green. Especially green.
I would preffer some dark variant.
Blue and green version are also fine.
Good work.
I would preffer the last version.
I can think of animation where different sections of logo represent different part of the system and slowly comes together to form Artix.
I like the blue but without the A as the logo should be the A
@Everyone Is there progress with the nice icons? I would love to have next release with one of these icons.
Mostly cosmetical changes, but I couldn't get around to wrap things up. I'll try to get it done by the end of the week.
Wonderful, could you also provide svg?
It's made in Inkscape, so yeah. I'd also like to prepare at least a basic proper brand book, but can't promise that one will be ready 'till the weeks end.
There. If there's no vetos then I'll be at my desk workin' on that brand book.
On a second thought and look, could you make the second variant just in blue instead green? The 3 divided A. :)
Are you sure about that? Does it not seem too fragmented? I don't have a problem with that, but I would need a bit more time to finalize it.
Either of the 2 lower designs have the lower right triangle being separated by a non-parallel divider. I think the angle is a little extreme, at least they should be radial starting at the lower left corner as a center, or parallel.
I think the triple division deviates enough from Arch and I think artix should.
Color: What about the blue-green in the initial dna-chain background of artix-1? Trying to remember it, I still have it somewhere, I am not sure it was blue or green.
The 3-part A IMHO looks even better, whether in blue or green (why not a gradient of blue->green too). A dark variant would be awesome too, for people using dark-themed desktops. And 4 pizzas to boot, please!
There are certain rules to follow if one wants to stay in accordance with craft art, so we can't go too crazy. I will take a look at additional approaches though.
Nice, could you make an additional A without text, pure logo?
I open in inkscape and save svg yes?
What do others think? In my view slightly too greenish, "manjaroish" in color, I think more blueish?
It's excellent, as a shape. Let's agree on the colours.
[EDIT] Either "bluer" or "greener", it's kind of ambiguous as it is.
What do you mean? If you mean just the signet, then yes, the brandbook will cover that.
No, these are just previews exported from inkscape. Forum allows only a handful of file types and SVG is not among them. Final versions would have to be put somewhere - I imagine an official repo, but for starters I could host them from my server.
The problem with color is that all blue brings Arch to memory. Too green - Manjaro. Too purple - Parabola. The current color is a compromise between blue and green, as there were mixed opinions about that.
I can give you access to the artwork repo on gitea. Best PM nous.
In my view, the current color probably does not fit well with the dark and blueish themes we use everywhere.
I imagine it would kind of look a bit odd, blue text colors and a somewhat "out of line in color" greenish but very cool logo.
Triforce with archlike color. Included svg in zip, so you can experiment with color yourself if you like.
You should have received an email with details on your Gitea account. You've been added as a collaborator to the artwork repository (https://gitea.artixlinux.org/artix/artwork).
Great, I like the color, yeah, we'd need the thing without the "artix" text, just Triforce A.
It's beautiful in every colour. Congratulations, @Everyone!
This is very nice.
My preference:
1- Red (because it works on white background as well)
1- light cyan (same reason)
The gold was initially my first choice but it does not look good on white.
https://imgur.com/a/v03z6HF (https://imgur.com/a/v03z6HF)
2 - Cyan for me. It's a color of the current label. It's the color of Arch. Keep it.
Red reminds me FBSD. If there will be anything FBSD related red will work.
Awesome logo! I didn't like the font at first but now that I've seen it a few times, it's starting to grow on me. Perhaps it's too round. Maybe it need to be more angular? I don't know.
I really like the deep blue. The cyan seems a little wimpy to me, but it's still my second choice.
Guys, hold on a sec...
Variations have started pouring.
I don't particularly like the green used, it is like a fluorescent lettuce green, maybe a few tones darker. The one on the right I like, maybe reversing green with blue... "it breaks them".
A while ago I got frustrated with all gfx software I tried I removed them all. I don't even remember which one I found best suitable for light work, maybe it was pinta but it was huge.
I dont mind the artix green cyan green cyan, i like how it fades into the blue. Might need a shade darker or less saturation for the green?
Look mum, I'm using GIMP
When could we close the poll?
It would appear that most of those who were interested have already voted and the results, at least for the 1st and 2nd place,, are very clear. I doubt any additional votes can change the results.
I think you're cleared to proceed with cyan., which is also favoured by most devs. Seeing the popularity and being a fan of dark grey myself though, may I request a dark version too for the sake of completeness? Lots of people use dark themed desktops and would welcome it, perhaps with a thin lighter outline to make it stand out.
Single color Artix logo
Artix's logo and neofetch kick ass.
One of the best Linux logos and neofetch art in the entire Linux world.
looks very nice
HI, can you have a look at this wallpaper, its full HD and is a png file.
https://wallpapercave.com/w/wp11498766 (https://wallpapercave.com/w/wp11498766)
you should add this to extra wallpapers package