My computer seemingly crashed while trying to upgrade packages using paru and also downloading a game from steam. When I rebooted the computer, GRUB was missing from the boot entries in BIOS. I managed to repair GRUB, however when I try to run paru -Syu or pacman -Syyu it gives the error " cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory."
I'm not sure how to bring that file back or where it should go. So far I've also tried reinstalling the base packages from bootstrap in a live environment mount, and that didn't change much. What else should I do?
Try pacman-static ( and do a full upgrade from that.
I've tried so. Both pacman and pacman-static claim "There's nothing to do" when tasked with a full system upgrade.
Huh I thought your pacman was broken. If not, then just rebuild paru.