Has anyone else experienced this?
Virtualbox with all current updates (gremlins) is missing libicu.....62, while if I revert icu to 62 instead of 63 from gremlins it is missing libicu18n.so.62
I can't figure what has changed recently as I was just using it yesterday and it run fine. None of the recent upgrades seem relevant.
I suspect that the problem is caused by using Artix gremlins but not using Arch testing repository.
If I use testing should I use core as well, because as I understand it testing has pkgs that are meant for core and extra.
I'll try it
For what reason do you want to use core ?
Yes, testing contains packages from core and extra, you need the extra part.
So, in my opinion if the testing is above extra and under artix repositories in pacman.conf it should be fine.
I would also recommend to use community-testing repository for the same reason as testing.
You can also check from what repository will package be update when you are doing update.
I am using it this way for about a year and there was almost no issue.
I have been using community-testing, and now I enabled testing, upgraded some library pkgs, no difference.
I will try to remove vb and reinstall, I doubt nobody else here uses vb, so it must be something misconfigured in my system.
Fireox and Thunderbird fail to work without icu 63
vlc is dead... this sucks
I figured out my problem, it was a mixup with qt5-core, which would result with an error using either 62 or 63. Mistakenly it wasn't artix's version of qt5-core, it showed as corrupt.
All my fault, sorry.
I was hit by this earlier today, did a migration to arch because I needed to get stuff done.
How can this be prevented? Some pacman mod to treat multiple versions in multiple repos differently?
I have the bad habit of doing pacman -Syyuu , maybe that's what got me.
I don't see how moving to arch helped. The problem IS arch
It allowed me to continue using my computer.
Same reason I use skype: don't like it, don't want it, but I need it to get the job done.
I think you aren't understanding what is being said to you. The problem IS arch so arch does not solve any problem. The libicu problem is an arch problem. You reply doesn't address the issue or the conversation at all, and is completely from left field. Why do you throw in irrational discussions about skype when discussing a problem from an arch upgrade.
You could have reinstalled the Artix Iso as well, and the same result would have happened, but the upgrade was still broken, in Artix and Arch and anything else that uses Arch.
the problem is that the updates to libicu broke an number of packages and the rational thing to do, as far as I can tell, is to back out of the specific upgraded packages from the pacman cache.
FWIW, it seems to be fixed this morning.
No arch was broken... and it seems you still have no idea what you are talking about. Oh, and BTW it is not the first time Arch has broken this exact libaray and then scrambled to fix their breakage.... Simply the Arch update did not work. And repeating otherwise seems to be to be a form of trolling.
I don't know which of you is right and do not care. I never had a problem.
I do know you come across to me as quite rude and conceited. Which seems a shame as, again to me, it seems entirely uncalled for.
There are as many setups out there as there are users. Even one's mirrorlist order can and will make a difference, which is probably where @Sero was caught with a partial update. But to call him/her a troll for stating his experience is not polite and not your business. Especially after nagging comments like
I never noticed icu as being so important, but it seems as pretty high in hierarchy of software after glibc. I presume it is very hard, if not impossible to rebuild all that utilizes icu and bring it all out at once with a new version, almost as new static distribution following a previous one. I guess it is one of the things you must realize and be prepared for on a rolling distribution.
In any case, this isn't an artix problem, it is arch, and arch is this way.
Just don't use gremlins (aka a testing/unstable repo)? Someone can correct me but as far as I know this was only a problem with gremlins and/or arch-testing repos. I didn't have any icu issues on stable.
It was overall just bad timing. Arch had moved the icu updates over night in stable, we did it the next morning.
As soon as have have the second buildbox up and working, we can also add vlc and stuff to our repos that currently comes from arch, so this will not occur.
That wasn't the troll part. The troll part was when I spent time to explain what was happening:
which he chose to ignore to just say:
And Windows simply works, and Macs simply works.. this is not new. It is a very old template for trolling. You ignor what is being said and just repeat misinformation and blame Artix for an Arch error/deficency .
Well, that does suck, but it doesn't suck as much as a systemd driven system, and while that might be whinie, it is not trolling. Asking for help and then ignoring it though... I haven't seen anyone else do that, nor has anyone else on the board , regardless of frustrations, attack the product . And indeed, like Sero, I indeed need to get work done on this system, which has successfully run Artix now from Artix's very start, and before that Manjoro/OpenRC, since its original migration from SuSE and not once did I need to resort to having to reinstall SuSEing "because it
simply works".
One update of my desktop got so mess up once that I had to reinstall Artix from scratch. I might have been able to spend days to fix it, but it wasn't worth the time It had been through 3 hacked transformations, from OpenSuSE to Manjaro/OPenRC to Artix. It took 20 minutes to do the fresh install of pure artix, and about 10 minutes to reinstall my desktop data, and my custom init scripts. And then
it just simply worked.
Because Artiix just simply works.
It does. It really does. This team deserves all the credit in the world for making solid and useful software that just works. And the community has been more than generous to in supporting each other and being of help.
I'm not using gremlins. This glitch affected others using arch, including two students I work with. They had to back out of the firefox upgrade and the vlc upgrade to get them to work.
I will really appreciate that. It does seem, for some reason, the libicu is somethign they have trouble with and the dependency tree of the packages need to be fixed for icu dependent applications.
Maybe it shouldn't be so important but internationalization is a high priority for the community.
Sero might have fixed it by using Arch, as Arch repo's are not always at the same version as Artix. But I think Sero as apparently a non-native English speaking user might be missing the fact that people from New York are well known for being rude, abrupt and abrasive, it is a common stereotype. MrBrklyn is from New York (there is a clue in the name) and if he was too nice the other New Yorkers would beat him up for being a wuss. But this doesn't mean New Yorkers are unpleasant in their actions or character though, you just have to adjust for the manner of speech. ;)
Both Sero and MrBrklyn make many helpful and knowledgeable contributions to this forum, and I have learned much from reading their posts.