Artix Linux Forum

Init systems => dinit => Topic started by: n00b on 10 January 2025, 01:13:41

Title: root-ro
Post by: n00b on 10 January 2025, 01:13:41
Code: [Select]
sudo dinitctl list
[[+]     ] boot
[{+}     ]
[     {X}] root-ro
[{+}     ] pseudofs
[{+}     ] tty6 (pid: 749)

Code: [Select]
cat /lib/dinit.d/root-ro
type    = scripted
command = /bin/mount -o remount,ro,rshared /
restart = false

search root-ro dinit,7409.msg44615.html#msg44615

should the package add..
Code: [Select]
options = starts-on-console

Should I?
Title: Re: root-ro
Post by: kiblaster on 10 January 2025, 17:44:50
Yes if you want to see the log, or try other methods explained there.
I had to remove ro from
Code: [Select]
command = /bin/mount -o remount,ro,rshared /
to be able to boot in ARMtix.
Title: Re: root-ro
Post by: n00b on 11 January 2025, 00:59:42
Code: (root-ro) [Select]
type    = scripted
command = /bin/mount -o remount,ro,rshared /
options = starts-on-console
restart = false
$: sudo dinitctl restart root-ro
 cannot restart service; service not started.
$: sudo dinitctl start root-ro
Service 'root-ro' failed to start.
Reason: service process terminated before ready: exited - status 32
$: sudo dinitcheck root-ro
[sudo] password for e:
Checking service: root-ro...
Performing secondary checks...
Secondary checks complete.
No problems found.

I got nothing.
Title: Re: root-ro
Post by: kiblaster on 11 January 2025, 08:56:48
I used the logfile option in my case.
I had error 32 too, this is the log:
Code: [Select]
mount: /: mount point is busy.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
Title: Re: root-ro
Post by: n00b on 11 January 2025, 15:10:47
@davmac  thought options = starts-on-console should fix the 32 error, yes?
Title: Re: root-ro
Post by: kiblaster on 12 January 2025, 08:49:00
That is to show the log in the console.
Because root-ro will prevent things to work.
Title: Re: root-ro
Post by: davmac on 09 February 2025, 09:57:54
@davmac  thought options = starts-on-console should fix the 32 error, yes?

That's unlikely to fix anything, it may help with debugging the issue though if you don't have any other logging for the service.