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Artix Linux => Applications & Software => Topic started by: just_jed on 26 January 2025, 03:45:15

Title: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: just_jed on 26 January 2025, 03:45:15
Over the years, I've tried several clipboard tools, and I don't remember specifics as to why I stopped using most of them. parcellite, clipit, qlipper... maybe another. They were either buggy or clunky or didn't quite do the right thing.

Then, I tried diodon, and it was great. Until I discovered zeitgeist. That's gnome's activity tracker, and I don't even want it on my system.

If there were a fork of diodon without zeitgeist, I'd use it.

Maybe some of the other ones have improved. Well, before I start trying them all out, I figured it'd be worth asking for comments here, regarding any particular one. I should stay away from qlipper, simply because I'm running the MATE desktop.
Title: Re: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: tintin on 26 January 2025, 06:32:18
Clipman ?
Title: Re: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: Ambie on 26 January 2025, 09:26:00
I am using parcellite for years. It has all that I need. Almost :-)
Title: Re: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: just_jed on 26 January 2025, 15:28:49
Clipman ?

... only one worked (Clipman), albeit with duplicate icons in the panel.

Possibly, that's been fixed in the last 3 years?

(from my own testing most of them didn't work at all).

Sounds like my experience. :o

I am using parcellite for years. It has all that I need. Almost

I think that's the first one I tried, many years ago, but:

However, the user interface of parcellite isn’t very convenient to use.

That might be what I didn't like.  clipit is a fork of parcellite, done to add an indicator.
Title: Re: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: kiblaster on 26 January 2025, 19:25:58
I use copyq.
Sometimes after copying something it is removed from the clipboard and I have to copy it from copyq.
Besides that I find pretty good.
Title: Re: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: just_jed on 26 January 2025, 20:08:54
I use copyq.
Sometimes after copying something it is removed from the clipboard and I have to copy it from copyq.
That's the one that has tabs. Might be too heavyweight for me.

But you raise an interesting question: keepassxc erases copied passwords from the clipboard after 10 seconds. I wonder how any of these programs handle that.
Title: Re: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: Ambie on 26 January 2025, 21:00:46
But you raise an interesting question: keepassxc erases copied passwords from the clipboard after 10 seconds. I wonder how any of these programs handle that.
Parcellite saves passwords from keepassxc so in terms of security one has to clear parcellite history manually.
Title: Re: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: tintin on 27 January 2025, 05:28:25

Possibly, that's been fixed in the last 3 years?

Here is what I am offered:
Code: [Select]
trizen clipman
1 galaxy/xfce4-clipman-plugin 1.6.7-1 [xfce4-goodies] [installé]
    A clipboard plugin for the Xfce4 panel
2 chaotic-aur/clipman 1.6.4-1
    A simple clipboard manager for Wayland
3 aur/clipman 1.6.4-1 [42+] [0.88%] [27 Apr 2024]
    A simple clipboard manager for Wayland
4 aur/clipman-git 1.6.4.r1.g0e1d363-1 [unmaintained] [0+] [0.00%] [25 Jun 2024]
    A simple clipboard manager for Wayland
Title: Re: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: n00b on 27 January 2025, 21:22:31
i like moksha's built in module
Title: Re: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: just_jed on 16 February 2025, 20:38:57
I'm trying clipit.
Parcellite saves passwords from keepassxc so in terms of security one has to clear parcellite history manually.
There's an tab in clipit's preferences, where you can exclude applications from having things captured. So, I addedd keepass (it's a regex). Will see how that works here one of these days.
Title: Re: Best clipboard tool that isn't diodon?
Post by: kiblaster on 18 February 2025, 19:11:25
When I copy from keepass it states that the clipboard will be emptied and it seems so.