Artix Linux Forum

Artix Linux => Installation / Migration / Configuration => Topic started by: letkan on 07 February 2025, 08:55:09

Title: Set RGB to full range under wayland ly-dm
Post by: letkan on 07 February 2025, 08:55:09
In Arch /usr/lib/systemd/system/ly.service I have this settings
Code: [Select]
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/proptest -M i915 -D /dev/dri/card1 207 connector 194 1
, how can I insert the proptest part in /etc/dinit.d/ly or somewhere else so that it runs before Wayland? In other words, what would be the equivalent to ExecStartPre in dinit language?
Title: Re: Set RGB to full range under wayland ly-dm
Post by: letkan on 07 February 2025, 09:10:03
I figured out a way where /etc/dinit.d/ly runs a script which in turn runs the proptest first and ly-dm next, is there a more elegant method to do this?