Hi Artix team, I was trying to upgrade my system as normally and I got this warning issue:
sudo pacman -S emacs-wayland
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "libtree-sitter.so=0.24-64", a dependency of "emacs-wayland"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
Despite this post is old it seems that this library is conflicting in some way with Emacs:
Is there any kind of workaround to solve this?
Best regards.
You should wait I'm sure that emacs-wayland will be updated soon enough, in arch's extra repo it already is. Or you can try to install previous version of tree-sitter from https://archive.artixlinux.org/
Hi Ambie, thanks for your reply.
If it's just matter of time then I am going to wait for the emacs package update :)
Solved with the last update. Thanks Artix team :)