Early during the day (February 8th), I went for an update, and the following packages were updated.
Feb 8 Update (https://hastebin.com/share/ujavevenep.rust)
For the rest of the day, I left the desktop on and this evening I rebooted. The first thing I noticed was when I press the Meta key, which is very much an integral part of my compute, blanks the desktop. I panic and started to press more keys and eventually returned to a display on the desktop littered with a few opened apps. I closed all of them and open Konsole to check if I can find clues on the kernel buffer...
sudo dmesg | grep -iE 'warning|error|conflict|invalid|fail|segfault|RIP' (https://hastebin.com/share/iragatejid.vbnet)
I had my suspicion...
QThreadStorage # destroyed (https://hastebin.com/share/emebomebed.yaml)
I can revert back to when the system was before the update with Timeshift so it is not a big deal but if other users are affected then it may be a cause of many headaches.
My machine configuration (https://hastebin.com/share/ehunusuvib.php)
Clicking on the panel's kicker also blanks the screen. :(
My solution was to revert back to a functional system using Timeshift as per QThreadStorage warning in the log [FIXED] (https://forum.artixlinux.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=ip0f2acnmcc81tb53bkrhmuic3&topic=7760.msg46506#new).
I would keep updating daily until one of the packages gets fixed.
I also realize I cannot do without the Meta key. I lasted several hour without it but force of habit, I'd rather have the use of the key.