Step I: Start with a minimal Artix install. I'm starting with a Calamares base install with runit and base-devel. One could use the manual install with basestrap but the Calamares install only takes about five minutes.
Step II: Install seatd:
Step III: Remove eloingd:
Step IV: See what you need to do to remove libelogind
We/I see dbus, pam, procps-ng, seatd and shadow
Step V: Add the Joborun linux databases to the bottom of /etc/pacman.conf:
Step VI: Refresh the database:
Step VII: Search for the Joborun versions of the above packages, e.g.
Step VIII: Install the Joborun versions:
Step IX: Remove libelogind
It should be noted that you don't have to use Joborun's repositories. You can also build the above packages yourself with Artix. You just have to use/adapt Joborun's PKGBUILDS:
Step X: Add elogind and libelogind to the Ignore packages. Edit /etc/pacman.conf to add:
IgnorePkg = elogind libelogind
Step XI (Optional): Add dbus, pam, procps-ng, seatd and shadow to the IgnorePkg line to avoid warnings and/or error messages.
Install openbox:
# pacman -S jobcore/xorg-server xorg-xinit openbox firefox xfce4-terminal
cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
nano .xinitc
comment out the last five lines and add exec openbox-session to the bottom and then
$ startx
* Firefox doesn't start. The fix is:
sudo chown 'usrname':'usrname' ~/.cache
Install xfce4:
replace exec openbox-session (or comment it out) and add
Install labwc:
* also can be done. Let me know if anyone is interested.