Hello guys, I can't login after some plasma update I did about hour ago. Welcome screen is up, but when I try to log into Wayland it just go back to Welcome screen. If I try x11 it shows splash screen loading and then just cursor on black background.
I'm on open source drivers and currently installed xfce as workaround. Anyone with same issue?
Getting the same issue after the update.
The error seems to be related to a missing library, as described in the following error message:
Cannot load library /usr/lib/qt6/plugins/org.kde.kdecoration3/org.kde.kwin.aurorae.so: libkdecorations3private.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I can find
/usr/lib/libkdecorations3private.so.2 but no
Making a symlink named
libkdecorations3private.so.1 that points to
/usr/lib/libkdecorations3private.so.6.3.2 "fixes" the issue - the dependency is artificially satisfied an I can open my X11 session (probably will do the same to the Wayland sessions as well).
This is a workaround and updated packages should provide the correct dependencies so that this hack becomes unnecessary.
Cool, guess I'll just wait for the update
Try kwin
thx for the feedback!