I got the following issue when I tried to update my system:
When looking at the two packages in ark, they do have the same content, the difference is in the .BUILDINFO .MTREE .PKGINFO where one is called Qt5 and the other Qt6.
I guess the source directory got messed up when creating the Qt5 package.
Downloading and installing the Arch version worked.
quazip-qt5 has been dropped, so can be removed
corectrl depends on it
so no, can't just remove it, better fix the package to have the correct files. Also krita depends on this version.
I'm sorry, but extra/corectrl is an Arch package, not from Artix Linux repos.
krita is an Artix package though. It will be broken atm as it depends on quazip-qt5.
And the Artix quazip-qt5 package, since version quazip-qt5-1.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst, seems to contain the qt6 version files, which as OP pointed out is not the case in the recent Arch versions of quazip-qt5.
Computers and software development work with the help of knowledge and not because you believe in it.
What is 'it' ? (and wtf are you on about?)
We can see that someone messed up with the build script and built the same content twice
build() {
cmake -B build5 -S $pkgbase \
cmake --build build5
cmake -B build6 -S $pkgbase \
cmake --build build6
and then read the documentation
| Option | Description | Default |
| `QUAZIP_QT_MAJOR_VERSION`| Specifies which major Qt version should be searched for (6 or 5). By default it tries to find the most recent. | |
so please, could youy add -DQUAZIP_QT_MAJOR_VERSION=5 to the build of quazip-qt5.
First, a moderation remark: The title of this thread should be changed to "quazip-qt5 1.5-1 package content the same as quazip-qt6 1.5-1
Actually, Arch Linux'
extra/quazip-qt5 and
extra/quazip-qt6 do in fact install fine in parallel, it are only the Artix builds that conflict:
pacman -Sy --asdeps world/quazip-qt5 world/quazip-qt6:
Package (2) Old Version New Version Net Change Download Size
world/quazip-qt5 1.5-1 1.5-1 0.04 MiB 0.13 MiB
world/quazip-qt6 1.5-1 1.5-1 0.00 MiB 0.13 MiB
(2/2) checking for file conflicts [#######################################################################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/JlCompress.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/ioapi.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/minizip_crypt.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quaadler32.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quachecksum32.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quacrc32.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quagzipfile.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quaziodevice.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazip.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazip_global.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazip_qt_compat.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazipdir.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazipfile.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazipfileinfo.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazipnewinfo.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/unzip.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/zip.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/cmake/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/QuaZip-Qt6Config.cmake exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/cmake/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/QuaZip-Qt6ConfigVersion.cmake exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/cmake/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/QuaZip-Qt6_SharedTargets-release.cmake exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/cmake/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/QuaZip-Qt6_SharedTargets.cmake exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/libquazip1-qt6.so exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/libquazip1-qt6.so.1.5 exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/libquazip1-qt6.so.1.5.0 exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/pkgconfig/quazip1-qt6.pc exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
(Here trying to switch from Arch Linux'
extra/ packages to Artix Linux'
world/ packages.)
Interestingly, Arch Linux uses the same build commands (https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/quazip/-/blob/main/PKGBUILD?ref_type=cfb7e02ac88ca4e43a670ae9139620398fa17418#L26) as Artix Linux. So maybe Arch Linux still builds (this package) in a Qt5-by-default environment, where Artix does build in a Qt6-by-default environment?
And I can confirm that building the Artix package (https://gitea.artixlinux.org/packages/quazip) locally, it works when I add
-DQUAZIP_QT_MAJOR_VERSION=5 to the Qt5 build part.
Issue still with the new 1.5-1.1 package too.
$ sudo pacman -Sy world/quazip-qt5 world/quazip-qt6
:: Synchronising package databases...
system is up to date
world is up to date
galaxy is up to date
omniverse is up to date
lib32 is up to date
extra is up to date
multilib is up to date
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
Package (2) Old Version New Version Net Change Download Size
world/quazip-qt5 1.5-1 1.5-1.1 0.04 MiB 0.13 MiB
world/quazip-qt6 1.5-1 1.5-1.1 0.00 MiB 0.13 MiB
Total Download Size: 0.26 MiB
Total Installed Size: 0.82 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 0.04 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages...
quazip-qt5-1.5-1.1-x86_64 132.0 KiB 1064 KiB/s 00:00 [#############################################################################] 100%
quazip-qt6-1.5-1.1-x86_64 132.0 KiB 892 KiB/s 00:00 [#############################################################################] 100%
Total (2/2) 263.9 KiB 1275 KiB/s 00:00 [#############################################################################] 100%
(2/2) checking keys in keyring [#############################################################################] 100%
(2/2) checking package integrity [#############################################################################] 100%
(2/2) loading package files [#############################################################################] 100%
(2/2) checking for file conflicts [#############################################################################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/JlCompress.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/ioapi.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/minizip_crypt.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quaadler32.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quachecksum32.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quacrc32.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quagzipfile.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quaziodevice.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazip.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazip_global.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazip_qt_compat.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazipdir.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazipfile.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazipfileinfo.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/quazipnewinfo.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/unzip.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/include/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/quazip/zip.h exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/cmake/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/QuaZip-Qt6Config.cmake exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/cmake/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/QuaZip-Qt6ConfigVersion.cmake exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/cmake/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/QuaZip-Qt6_SharedTargets-release.cmake exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/cmake/QuaZip-Qt6-1.5/QuaZip-Qt6_SharedTargets.cmake exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/libquazip1-qt6.so exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/libquazip1-qt6.so.1.5 exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/libquazip1-qt6.so.1.5.0 exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
/usr/lib/pkgconfig/quazip1-qt6.pc exists in both 'quazip-qt5' and 'quazip-qt6'
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Please add "-DQUAZIP_QT_MAJOR_VERSION=5" to the build of the qt5 version to ensure that it's built against qt5 and not against qt6 on a build host with bother installed.
It seems that the latest commit to the Artix package's
pkgrel=1 to
pkgrel=1.1, in fact
only changed
pkgrel and nothing else (https://gitea.artixlinux.org/packages/quazip/commit/89be4b6db001b2a3869430ad8ce9eb2f8d541717).
It's the pkgbuild from arch. I'll check later.
With the difference that the
pkgrel=1.1 actually is Artix specific, not from Arch (there it is
pkgrel=1), so actually Artix maintainers
did in fact put hand on it.
Anyway, I filed a suggestion to the Arch Linux
-DQUAZIP_QT_MAJOR_VERSION=5 to the build of the Qt5 variant (https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/quazip/-/issues/1).
They seem not to want that change (https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/quazip/-/issues/1#note_252703).
quazip 1.5-1.2 should be OK now
Installs like a charm and has both qt5 and qt6 version installed, thanks Artist
I had the same issue, an update to quazip came out and fixed it for me