Artix Linux Forum

Artix Linux => System => Topic started by: GeriatricJacob on 15 April 2019, 10:08:27

Title: Internet stopped working after killing openvpn
Post by: GeriatricJacob on 15 April 2019, 10:08:27
Title says it all after running:
Code: [Select]
pkill -f openvpn
my internet stopped working even after reboot. Also there is no output when running
Code: [Select]
ip route show
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Internet stopped working after killing openvpn
Post by: nous on 16 April 2019, 22:15:39
Please, post some more info. Wireless or wired? Are you on static networking or using a helper like networkmanager or connman? Also, post the output of rc-status --all.
Title: Re: Internet stopped working after killing openvpn
Post by: mrbrklyn on 17 April 2019, 03:09:30
umm - you killed your vpn, what do you expect to happen?
Title: Re: Internet stopped working after killing openvpn
Post by: fungalnet on 17 April 2019, 23:51:09
umm - you killed your vpn, what do you expect to happen?

to have network access without vpn :D
Title: Re: Internet stopped working after killing openvpn
Post by: GeriatricJacob on 18 April 2019, 03:10:03
Please, post some more info. Wireless or wired? Are you on static networking or using a helper like networkmanager or connman? Also, post the output of rc-status --all.
Wired connection with NetworkManager. I don't have rc-status as i am on runit not openrc.
Title: Re: Internet stopped working after killing openvpn
Post by: mrbrklyn on 18 April 2019, 03:15:15
to have network access without vpn :D

but that is not going to happen since the VPN took over the networking and created a tunnel and then was hard killed.
Title: Re: Internet stopped working after killing openvpn
Post by: mrbrklyn on 18 April 2019, 03:27:31
Wired connection with NetworkManager. I don't have rc-status as i am on runit not openrc.

need more information than that.  What are the networking settings. ifconfig
Title: Re: Internet stopped working after killing openvpn
Post by: GeriatricJacob on 18 April 2019, 04:09:21
need more information than that.  What are the networking settings. ifconfig
Title: Re: Internet stopped working after killing openvpn
Post by: GeriatricJacob on 18 April 2019, 14:41:55
I have resolved the issue. When i killed the vpn the dns addresses remained unreverted in /etc/resolv.conf. I simply changed it back to my dns and the issue was resolved.