Title says it all after running:
pkill -f openvpn
my internet stopped working even after reboot. Also there is no output when running
ip route show
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please, post some more info. Wireless or wired? Are you on static networking or using a helper like networkmanager or connman? Also, post the output of rc-status --all.
umm - you killed your vpn, what do you expect to happen?
to have network access without vpn :D
Wired connection with NetworkManager. I don't have rc-status as i am on runit not openrc.
but that is not going to happen since the VPN took over the networking and created a tunnel and then was hard killed.
need more information than that. What are the networking settings. ifconfig
I have resolved the issue. When i killed the vpn the dns addresses remained unreverted in /etc/resolv.conf. I simply changed it back to my dns and the issue was resolved.