Since you said "n" which means "do not upgrade" you broke the dependencies of other packages by doing so.
:: Replace artix-sysvcompat with system/base? [Y/n] y # since base package was introduced we moved these files there
:: Replace compton with community/picom? [Y/n] y # because it is only formal change and you were using this patched version for a while
:: Replace geoclue2 with world/geoclue? [Y/n] y # some Arch changes?
:: Replace ilmbase with world/openexr? [Y/n] y # some Arch changes?
:: Replace kcalcore with extra/kcalendarcore? [Y/n] y # some Arch changes? but it seems like it got split into more parts... maybe change in program itself
:: Replace kmod-openrc with system/openrc? [Y/n] y # probably it was merged
:: Replace libbson with galaxy/mongo-c-driver? [Y/n] y # what to say, Arch did it again
:: Replace libbson with community/mongo-c-driver? [Y/n] X # since you said NO to previous question another provider was found (now from Arch so you clearly see it originates there)
:: Replace libmongoc with galaxy/mongo-c-driver? [Y/n] y # once again change from arch
:: Replace libmongoc with community/mongo-c-driver? [Y/n] X # repeat from arch
:: Replace opensysusers-openrc with system/openrc? [Y/n] y # it was probably merged
:: Replace opentmpfiles-openrc with system/openrc? [Y/n] y # it was probably merged
:: Replace pygobject2-devel with world/python2-gobject2? [Y/n] y # another change from Arch I believe
:: Replace yaourtix-git with galaxy/yaourtix? [Y/n] n # package was renamed
warning: removing 'pygobject2-devel' from target list because it conflicts with 'python2-gobject2' # Sounds logical since you said no previously
:: kcalendarcore and kcalcore are in conflict # once again if you said yes previously you would not see it.
By always answering "NO" user managed to create many package conflicts and thus was unable to proceed, if the user used force to proceed the system would probably be bricked.
PS: I would say you are more fit for distribution with LTS stable releases such as Debian (Devuan). While Artix is based on Arch which is rolling release distribution and so there are frequent changes in packages compared to Debian.