Re: isolinux image
Reply #2 –
This worked to make a dual boot antiX / Devuan USB with syslinux last year, I didn't get it to work with the Artix base iso. (That doesn't mean you won't do better, I needed a bootable USB with storage for a particular task.) The Devuan loading method is very inefficient as it loads the entire ISO into RAM then the iso boots, and loads itself into RAM again, so it's slow and uses 2GB of RAM. Also antiX supports multiboot and booting from both syslinux and grub, so makes things easy. If I had another go I would try using grub as the USB bootloader and chainloading the rest from that I think, and see how that works. It would be interesting if you did find out how to boot Artix isos. I think there is some multiboot software that now supports Artix, there was a post on here a while back but I can't remember what it was now, there might be some clues there. This was my syslinux.cfg and the layout of the files it was pointing to:
UI menu.c32
DEFAULT antiX-17.1_x64-full
LABEL antiX-17.1_x64-full
CONFIG /antiX/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
APPEND /antiX/boot/syslinux/
LABEL devuan-iso
LINUX memdisk
INITRD /isos/devuan/devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_desktop-live.iso
$ ls /mnt/antiX/
boot initrd.gz initrd.gz.md5 linuxfs linuxfs.md5 random-seed state vmlinuz vmlinuz.md5
$ ls /mnt/live
boot filesystem.squashfs initrd.img vmlinuz
$ ls /mnt/isos/
$ ls /mnt/isos/devuan/
devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_desktop-live.iso Devuan-ASCII-README.txt devuanbytes SHA256SUMS SHA256SUMS.asc
$ ls /mnt/boot
$ ls /mnt/boot/syslinux/
cat.c32 cptime.c32 dhcp.c32 ethersel.c32 host.c32 kbdmap.c32 libgpl.c32 ls.c32 menu.c32 prdhcp.c32 sanboot.c32 vesa.c32
chain.c32 cpu.c32 disk.c32 gfxboot.c32 ifcpu64.c32 kontron_wdt.c32 liblua.c32 lua.c32 pci.c32 pwd.c32 sdi.c32 vesainfo.c32
cmd.c32 cpuid.c32 dmi.c32 gpxecmd.c32 ifcpu.c32 ldlinux.c32 libmenu.c32 mboot.c32 pcitest.c32 pxechn.c32 sysdump.c32 vesamenu.c32
cmenu.c32 cpuidtest.c32 dmitest.c32 hdt.c32 ifmemdsk.c32 lfs.c32 libutil.c32 memdisk pmload.c32 reboot.c32 syslinux.c32 vpdtest.c32
config.c32 debug.c32 elf.c32 hexdump.c32 ifplop.c32 libcom32.c32 linux.c32 meminfo.c32 poweroff.c32 rosh.c32 syslinux.cfg whichsys.c32