If you'd like nmtui to set up wireless from the base image this is one way to build it:
If you've not already, prepare to use buildiso
Go to artools-workspace/iso-profiles/base/
Add to Packages-Root
networkmanager-openrc # OpenRC networkmanager init script
@openrc networkmanager-openrc #start the init script
Add to Profile.conf the NetworkManager service
SERVICES=('acpid' 'bluetoothd' 'cronie' 'NetworkManager')
Build the image:
buildiso -p base -q
buildiso -p base
Or, if you wanted to customize along the way:
buildiso -p base -q
buildiso -p base -x
buildiso -p base -bc
sudo sed -i 's|#rc_parallel="NO"|rc_parallel="YES"|' artools/buildiso/base/artix/rootfs/etc/rc.conf
sudo sed -i 's|checksum=y|checksum=n|' artools/buildiso/base/iso/boot/grub/kernels.cfg
artools-chroot artools/buildiso/base/artix/rootfs/ /bin/bash
pacman -Sy
buildiso -p base -sc
buildiso -p base -zc
Your ISO is here: