Re: Want to get involved
Reply #3 –
I get that this is the Aritx forum (and wiki), and no sane person would suggest recreating the archwiki. Does that mean installing the OS only?
I can give you one anecdote: Installing PostgreSQL for the first time took hours. In Arch Linux, systemd auto-magically generates the runtime directory, sets the permissions and creates the top level user.
Doing the same on Artix with runit is easy... once you have done it once.
pacman -S postgresql
usermod --shell /bin/bash postgres
sudo -u postgres -i
initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
mkdir /var/log/postgresql
chown postgres:postgres /var/log/postgresql
cd /etc/runit/sv
cp -r template/ postgresql
cd postgresql
nvim run
#! /bin/sh -e
exec 2>&1
if [[ ! -d /run/postgresql ]]; then
mkdir /run/postgresql
chown postgres:postgres /run/postgresql
exec chpst -u postgres:postgres /usr/bin/postgres -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'
nvim log/run
#! /bin/sh
exec chpst -u postgres svlogd -tt /var/log/postgresql
ln -sf /etc/runit/sv/postgresql /run/runit/service
But those 17 lines of code took hours to figure out, multiple re-installs and quite a bit of tenacity. I am the type of person that has fun with that, but I know that the majority of folks would not / cannot do that. nginx +django + gunicorn was even harder.
I suggest if the delta from installing a program that is managed by systemd is not trivial, and folks are willing, it may help see some examples of how we troubleshoot, and get applications working if they don't out of the box.
I do not think any guide can be all things to all people, but there are plenty of idiosyncrasies that do not present to users using systemd.
This post is an offer to help if desired, not any attempt to criticize. If the wiki's philosophy is we'll help install the base system, from there go forth and translate systemd commands on the arch-wiki to your chosen init... that is defiantly an approach. I just think a peppering of pretty common tasks (host a web server, compile source code, install a gui ) how-tos could show folks what to do when troubles arise. Plus it would be fun for me to give back to a community I really want to see succeed.