SSL Certificate not yet valid 06 July 2020, 13:28:27 After all my failed attempts at doing an LVM+LUKS install with encrypted boot i decided to do an encrypted install but with boot out of the encryption scheme.I setup my partitionning and at the moment of doing "pacman -Syy" i got an impossibility to update all packages as all the mirrors throw errors about Invalid SSL certificate.Is it an issue on Artix infrastructure end or my own?
Re: SSL Certificate not yet valid Reply #1 – 06 July 2020, 15:19:41 I don't know why you would get this error unless you're using a really old iso with outdated SSL certificates.
Re: SSL Certificate not yet valid Reply #2 – 06 July 2020, 17:02:16 I downloaded artix-base-runit-20200706-x86_64.iso so this is not the case.However i think this is a fuck up on my end now that i think of it, i remember resetting my BIOS but not setting the date again ...
Re: SSL Certificate not yet valid Reply #3 – 06 July 2020, 18:10:38 If the time in your BIOS is completely wrong, this could happen. You need to set it to UTC.