[Solved] Unable to change keyboard layout for installation. 29 July 2020, 21:29:07 Hello, I am new here.I have just flashed a new flash drive with the latest runnit artix linux installation file. No problem booting (UEFI mode). Everything seems fine, I cannot see any errors.But when I try to change the keyboard layout, I am greeted with the error message:$ sudo loadkeys fr-bepounknown keysym 'endash'lk_add_key called with bad keycode -1$The prospect of going through the entire installation without using the keyboard layout I am used to is far from ideal. I have never seen this error in the many archlinux installations I have done.Also, a couple of weeks ago I installed artix linux without this problem, on the exact same rig.Thank you in advance.P.S. I can provide more information on my system but I'm not sure what is relevant so please ask. Last Edit: 30 July 2020, 13:49:35 by timeopochin
Re: Unable to change keyboard layout for installation. Reply #1 – 30 July 2020, 00:35:42 Hi,Try set the locale in your rc (.zshrc or .bashrc) dot file, my case I'm using .zshenv:### localeexport LANG="en_US.UTF-8"export LC_COLLATE="C"Regards,Colpshift
Re: Unable to change keyboard layout for installation. Reply #2 – 30 July 2020, 13:31:39 Thank you for your reply, exporting the variables changed nothing. Same error.If it helps to know, using loadkeys works with some layouts. e.g. fr and us
Re: Unable to change keyboard layout for installation. Reply #3 – 30 July 2020, 13:49:01 I've managed to solve the problem by usingsudo loadkeys -u fr-bepoI still get a warning but it seems to work, it seems to be a problem with unicode characters on the bépo keyboard layout.