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Topic: networking issues (overwriting resolv.conf) (Read 953 times) previous topic - next topic
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networking issues (overwriting resolv.conf)

I have set up vpn/stunnel.
Unfortunately NetworkManager is not handling this type of connections so until now I was connecting system to stunnel followed by vpn and at the end I had to edit resolv.conf This worked for the whole session (after system restart I had to repeat these steps again including editing resolv.conf)

Unfortunately, after one of the updates resolv.conf us getting updated after each few minutes.

My question is how can I stop (NetworkManager is disabled) rewriting resolv.conf for session?

thank you

Re: networking issues (overwriting resolv.conf)

Reply #1
Code: [Select]
sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf


Re: networking issues (overwriting resolv.conf)

Reply #2
thank you calvinh for the solution.