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Topic: Strangeness with Perl and its modules (Read 1054 times) previous topic - next topic
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Strangeness with Perl and its modules

(This isn't a support request.)
I recently switched to Artix. Some bumps, but I've got a full install up and going. Something that was vexing me were issues with various applications not finding components of Perl: rxvt-unicode couldn't find, and various AUR applications were trying and failing to find perl modules during configure. All of the files in question existed -- running find in / located the right files, and all the paths these files were found in were either in $PATH or @INC, respective to the type of file -- but for some inexplicable reason they weren't being acknowledged by the things that needed them.
I figured before asking I'd give installing manually a shot: grabbed the tarball off of the website and followed the instructions. The good news is that, after some playing with the non-repo version of CPAN, I managed to get something successfully installed from the AUR that refused to acknowledge a perl module before. The bad news is that perl module dependencies that would normally be grabbed automagickally by pacman now have to be manually installed via CPAN. I'll follow up if I encounter another issue, but it seems like this managed to triage the problems I was having. Knock on wood anyway.
I don't know if anyone else had problems like this -- I tried searching the forum briefly to no avail before setting out to fix it myself --but I figured I'd post a trip report on the off chance someone else has the same problem. If this is in the wrong forum, I apologize, but it seemed like the right place for it.


Re: Strangeness with Perl and its modules

Reply #1
The answer is on the arch front page all AUR perl modules need to be rebuilt. this is not a Arch problem AUR stands for Arch-User_repository, not Arch supported unfortunately. So best to report it on the AUR page But please never blindly install from AUR always check the package 1st as most times the answer is in the comments