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Topic: Unstable GUI after upgrade to LInux-5.9.1.artix  (Read 675 times) previous topic - next topic
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Unstable GUI after upgrade to LInux-5.9.1.artix

A week or two ago I upgraded and got random crashes and GUI lockup.  Runs well, and then the mouse slows down to a crawl.  After research on the internet I downgraded to 5.8.14 from cache.  I was able to check the error log and got the following errors (xxx is short for addresses):

nouveau 0000.01.000 : fifo:  PDMAO: xxx [] ch 7 [ xxx eadedCompsitor [3219]] subc mthd 0000 data 0000000
nouveau 0000.01.000: gr: DATA_ERROR 000000c [INVALID BITFIELD] ch 7 (xxx eadedCompsitor [3219]] subc 0 class 9297 method 1618 data xxx

Unfortunately I only have a cellphone pic of the file, but I can supply the missing addresses if needed.

Other info: downgrading to 5.8.14 fixes the problem and I have my great Artix Linux running flawlessly (big fan).  I'm using an older video card, NVDIA GEFORCE GTX 570 rev a1 by MSI. Using OpenRC for init.  xfrce desktop.  I'm not using the NVDIA driver.

I'm intermediate on Linux skill level.  I'm a hobbyist C programmer and can get around in console mode, but not very expert on Linux.

I've been disabling Linux kernel updates, but that is not a permanent fix.  I noticed the latest is 5.9.2.  I don't know if that will fix things, but I'm willing to give it a try.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Unstable GUI after upgrade to LInux-5.9.1.artix

Reply #1
The log file still exists.  Here's another snip:

Oct 25 19:42:53 james--pc kernel: nouveau 0000:01:00.0: fifo: PBDMA0: 00200000 [ILLEGAL_MTHD] ch 7 [004f6e6000 eadedCompositor[3219]] subc 0 mthd 005c data 20050004
Oct 25 19:42:53 james--pc kernel: nouveau 0000:01:00.0: fifo: PBDMA0: 00200000 [ILLEGAL_MTHD] ch 7 [004f6e6000 eadedCompositor[3219]] subc 0 mthd 0060 data 00000000
Oct 25 19:43:59 james--pc kernel: nouveau 0000:01:00.0: eadedCompositor[3219]: failed to idle channel 7 [eadedCompositor[3219]]
Oct 25 19:44:14 james--pc kernel: nouveau 0000:01:00.0: eadedCompositor[3219]: failed to idle channel 7 [eadedCompositor[3219]]
Oct 25 19:44:14 james--pc kernel: nouveau 0000:01:00.0: fifo: read fault at 0000013000 engine 07 [PFIFO] client 07 [BAR_READ] reason 02 [PAGE_NOT_PRESENT] on channel 7 [004f6e6000 eadedCompositor[3219]]
Oct 25 19:44:14 james--pc kernel: nouveau 0000:01:00.0: fifo: fifo engine fault on channel 7, recovering...

Note errors are gone after downgrading the kernel.

Re: Unstable GUI after upgrade to LInux-5.9.1.artix

Reply #2
Upgrade to 5.9.2.
Kernel bug probably


Re: Unstable GUI after upgrade to LInux-5.9.1.artix

Reply #3
I'll give it a whirl tomorrow.  It's definitely not Artix.  It's the linux kernal.