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Topic: No UEFI boot option for artix-base-runit-20201128-x86_64.iso (Read 1049 times) previous topic - next topic
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No UEFI boot option for artix-base-runit-20201128-x86_64.iso

After writing the artix-base-runit-20201128-x86_64.iso to USB and booting, there is no UEFI boot option. As a consequence, I am unable to use the media to install. I wrote the image three times with the same result and verified the hash; E37F1D5B8A7F61BE1EF82BC922265E90DF5467C76903E4954A3F725FDF9DB1B5.

This is a departure from artix-base-runit-20200214-x86_64.iso which does have an UEFI boot option. I wrote the 20200214 image to the same USB flash drive, selected the UEFI boot option, and installed without issue.

Something is hinky?


Re: No UEFI boot option for artix-base-runit-20201128-x86_64.iso

Reply #2
Well that explains it!

I downloaded artix-base-runit-20201128-x86_64.iso, size 609 MB, dated 2020-11-30 14:24:09, sha256 hash of 39DEE90109ED0B4C8126AACD3AB393F29BC94F317EDBC293D608C35827630FEA, and began the installation. I now have a UEFI option and the install is in-progress.

This was my first post to the Artix community. Thank you for the timely response and resolution.