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Topic: devolo-dlan-cockpit (Read 850 times) previous topic - next topic
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Devolo provides a graphical tool for its powerline communications networks which is available also on Artix through AUR.* It includes a network service called "devolonetsvc.service" that runs in the background and is mandatory in order to use the graphical tool. Unfortunately the "devolonetsvc.service" is written for systemd. Is there any chance to convert it to runit?

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ARTIX Dinit + SDDM + Enlightenment


Re: devolo-dlan-cockpit

Reply #1
Services for runit are the easiest to write. Just create an executable /etc/runit/sv/devolo/run file:
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exec /usr/bin/devolonetsvc 2>&1
The systemd service file also has a WorkingDirectory rule, not sure if it's needed and how it can be implemented in runit (openrc guy here).