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Topic: (Solved) pacman, browser crashes on startup (Read 698 times) previous topic - next topic
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(Solved) pacman, browser crashes on startup

hi, i installed xfce version with openrc, also tried plasma version but have same problem:
wifi is activated, ping test is ok,
pacman -Syy crash all system, midori browser same thing.
any ideas to solve? thanks

in the live-usb everything works, chroot from gentoo works, I put the google dns but it doesn't work

wired works, i updated the system

Re: pacman, browser crashes on startup

Reply #1
runit mate no problem from above

Re: pacman, browser crashes on startup

Reply #2
if in live it works, in chroot it works, it must also work installed
do you know if there is a firewall working underneath?

Re: pacman, browser crashes on startup

Reply #3
I dont think it is the firewall. I have ufw active and no problem.  xfce version openrc not so stable?


Re: (Solved) pacman, browser crashes on startup

Reply #4
i installed kernel-lts with
#pacman -S linux-lts
from chroot
and now it works, thanks for the support
i was using archlinux with openrc before artix was born
with editing these good guys
thanks again for the work .