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Topic: My mouse is not working? (Read 888 times) previous topic - next topic
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My mouse is not working?

Hello Artix forum, just installed Artix on my computer. I plugged in my mouse and it doesn't work. It's a Razer mouse and lights up but it doesn't move my cursor or register clicks. Am I missing a driver or something?

Re: My mouse is not working?

Reply #1
Hello. I just installed Artix and whenever I try to delete a file or folder in my file manager Dolphin I get and error saying "Unable to create io-slave. klauncher said: Error loading '/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/'." This is odd to me because I can delete the file or folder using terminal commands. How do I fix this?

Re: My mouse is not working?

Reply #2
Nevermind, it works after I rebooted my system. Anyone know why this happened?

Re: My mouse is not working?

Reply #3
Somehow the issue is fixed when I rebooted my computer. Why?

Re: My mouse is not working?

Reply #4
some bug maybe, without seeing your logs nobody know  ;)

Re: My mouse is not working?

Reply #5
some wrong on your side  ;)  not necessary open 2 topics, if after reboot works it again.;)  maybe you updated kernel and forgot reboot system... nobody know, nobody see into your computer without logs :-)

Re: My mouse is not working?

Reply #6
Somehow the issue is fixed when I rebooted my computer. Why?
Welcome to Artix @spexxyx‍ . I hope you enjoy Artix. Sometimes, most especially after a fresh install which usually involves some major updates to the system, a reboot can resolve some issues.  :)

Best regards.
We should try to be kind to everyone.....we are all fighting some sort of battle.

Re: My mouse is not working?

Reply #7
Nevermind, it works after I rebooted my system. Anyone know why this happened?
As I mentioned here:

Best regards. :)
We should try to be kind to everyone.....we are all fighting some sort of battle.


Re: My mouse is not working?

Reply #8
I merged two topics from spexxyx. Reboot solved his problems, problems SOLVED