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Topic: [SOLVED] Missing drivers from Ricoh r5u87 - AUR package was abandoned (Read 1070 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Missing drivers from Ricoh r5u87 - AUR package was abandoned

I have encountered an issue in recent weeks. Performing a new installation of Artix Gnome - my webcam (Ricoh r5u87) did not work because the repo that the driver was pulling material was canceled.

It's sad that Mercurial repos being abandoned by the GitHub - and I'm sure we'll see more of that kind of problems in the near future.

Fortunately, I had and still have help from @linuxer  - and the truth is that I bothered him a lot - before he solve the issue after building and testing it for many days.

Today I also saw the new package at AUR!

I must thank @linuxer and all Artix boys for their daily support  ;)

Re: Missing drivers from Ricoh r5u87 - AUR package was abandoned

Reply #1
@linuxer has "rescued" the driver and made certain changes in order to work. It is not everyday that you see a driver abandoned for many years working! Ok, it is  firmware, but it still needs a loader and proper udev rules.
BTW, the original PKGBUILD is updated in the AUR in a curious way AFAICT. It uses as source a tarball from launchpad that is missing the required firmware. The firmware files are present in both the gh fork and linuxer's fork. So it is not possible right now to use the original PKGBUILD ootb. You probably need to find the windows driver (...) and extract the fw. So, for the time being someone will probably have more luck trying to work with linuxer's r5u87-webcam-drivers than the original.

Re: Missing drivers from Ricoh r5u87 - AUR package was abandoned

Reply #2
Thank you both, @herco and @mobinmob for your nice feedback.

This was a PITA to make it alive and to make it work as it should, after the PKGBUILD of that maintainer was not working (missing sources), in any case, and even more that the PKGBUILD was building the files in incorrrect paths, not to forget that there was not any wrapper for it to work properly.

By today, I have had an email chat, too long to be honest, after the previous AUR maintainer abandoned the project, two years w/o any update, to protest on my request to adopt and renew the project, so, in simple terms I have created the new package, in order to be on the safe side of things, cause he is clueless.

Needless to mention that his solution, the new speedy made up on a moment PKGBUILD, it is just no working, and I have warned him though about it. EDIT: he corrected it right after my mail.

Enjoy it and @mobinmob take care of the Void's package respectively

Kind Regards to both

Re: [SOLVED] Missing drivers from Ricoh r5u87 - AUR package was abandoned

Reply #3
Latest news:

My package has been removed from AUR forcibly by TUs, because TUs wanted to keep their owned one, although their package is still pullng from  my project at Gitea Sources , so at least I hope that my wrapper, sources and PKGBUILD will keep on going.


Re: [SOLVED] Missing drivers from Ricoh r5u87 - AUR package was abandoned

Reply #4
Package ricoh-r5u87x-webcam-drivers has been added in Universe repo, alone with lib32-libusb-compat dependancy.

Have fun by adding the repo, if it is not in your /etc/pacman.conf as follows:

Code: [Select]

Server =$arch