Help with steam 09 March 2021, 20:07:07 I installed steam with the multilib repositories before discovering that artix has it's own set of repositories, the wiki says that artix's repos should always be selected over any equivalents in arch, will this be a problem? or should I enable the lib32 repository, and how do I get steam to switch to using that repository? Last Edit: 09 March 2021, 20:12:18 by Wim
Re: Help with steam Reply #1 – 09 March 2021, 20:29:51 steam shloud works without our lib32 repo too... so don't worryyou probably read this lib32 repo and do pacman -Syyu. Probably some libs will be replace, the rest will replace in next update... if not....1. uninstall all lib32 libs: Code: [Select]pacman -Rcs pacman -Rcs lib32-glibc lib32-dbus2. remove all lib32-* from /var/cache/pacman/pkg/3. install steam again Code: [Select]pacman -S steam if you use steam-native-runtime, install it again too
Re: Help with steam Reply #2 – 09 March 2021, 22:32:19 I enabled the lib32 repository and updated, things seem to have gone smoothly, thanks for the help, but I do have one more question, are there any advantages in using the artix repositories? The wiki says that they are structurally the same, just the names have to be different, what does this mean?
Re: Help with steam Reply #3 – 09 March 2021, 23:50:40 Advantages? No, we just replaced or removed systemd for Elogind. Artixlinux is about archlinux without systemd.... Nothing less, nothing more.