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Topic: [SOLVED] Stuck on "System is going down now!!" (Read 5124 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Stuck on "System is going down now!!"

When ever i try to reboot or shutdown in s6 I get a warning about my pc shutting off, But it doesn't even turn off. What do I do?
says the british girl

Re: Stuck on "System is going down now!!"

Reply #1
File size would let me upload the image
says the british girl

Re: Stuck on "System is going down now!!"

Reply #2
There are a lot of possibilities here, and not enough information to work with. Just for start:

How old is your computer? Do you have ACPI enabled? Have you tried shutting down with other OSes? Do you see the final message, stating the system is halted? Does any of the following commands work:

  • sudo shutdown -h now
  • sudo loginctl poweroff

  • sudo shutdown -r now
  • sudo loginctl reboot

Some pointers:

Can you post your /etc/elogind/logind.conf and sudo inxi -F output (need sudo and inxi installed)?

Re: Stuck on "System is going down now!!"

Reply #3
My pc is 2 years old, I have apci enabled, I have shut down my pc countless times with and without systemd, I don’t see the final message the first two  commands listed for shut down doesn’t work, reboot commands don’t work either.
Elogind config:

Inxi output:

says the british girl

Re: Stuck on "System is going down now!!"

Reply #4
how to install programs into a usb.
I don't understand, you are running a live system? If so, you can't install anything on it permanently, but you can temporarily install programs in the loaded live system (they won't be there when you restart):

Code: [Select]
$ su
# pacman -Syyu
# pacman -S sudo inxi

About the picture you posted, you just pressed Ctrl+Alt+Del there? Can you try actually entering one of the commands from my previous post? Also, system logs would be helpful. See here:,1923.0.html

Edit: Also, what is the output of cat /proc/cmdline ( You might need to edit kernel command line in Grub to include acpi=force.

Re: Stuck on "System is going down now!!"

Reply #6
I've actually noticed this can occur on the live usb which appears to be what you're using here. I never got around to figuring out why exactly this happens. s6-linux-init appears to run all of its shutdown scripts but hangs at some point before sending TERM to every process. It shouldn't be too big of a deal though since it doesn't happen on a real system. It might have something to do with the buildiso scripts.

Re: Stuck on "System is going down now!!"

Reply #8
Well it's not the best first impression so probably I should get to the bottom of it eventually. The previous stable iso actually had a far more serious bug that somehow only a couple of people complained about so it's still better overall. ;)


Re: Stuck on "System is going down now!!"

Reply #9
Heh, turned out the problem was just metalog hanging. That was a lot simpler than expected.