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Topic: Installing Pipewire from Start to Finish (Read 15104 times) previous topic - next topic
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Installing Pipewire from Start to Finish

Hello all,
I am running Artix runit, and I really want to get pipewire working as a replacement for my audio. I saw others on this forum have gotten it to work, and I've followed the steps on the arch wiki, but I can't get audio with pipewire to work.

Here's what I've done:
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -S pipewire pipewire-docs pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack 

After that, I try to load it with this in my i3 config:
Code: [Select]
exec pipewire

Now, I don't know what else to do to get everything working. I want to be able to use qjackctl to manage connections, and use pulseaudio and jack applications at the same time. Pulse applications don't work at all, and I get no audio unless I start jack with qjackctl.

What applications do I need to start with my window manager to get things to work the way they should, including pulse?

Re: Installing Pipewire from Start to Finish

Reply #1

for replace pulseadio you must after "pipewire" command  run "pipewire-pulse" command too

i use small script for this for my KDE session:
Code: [Select]
[alois@picasso ]$ cat 

/usr/bin/pipewire &

Re: Installing Pipewire from Start to Finish

Reply #2
Hi, I am running the Plasma version and just wanted to chime in to say that i had to add "/usr/bin/pipewire-media-session" to the script. However there is a problem: even setting  this script to be automatically executed on startup , some times it is not, because I see the volume icon off and there is no sound. I have to reboot the system to get it working :o

Re: Installing Pipewire from Start to Finish

Reply #3
Code: [Select]
/usr/bin/pipewire &
/usr/bin/pipewire-pulse &

pipewire have sometimes problems with Plasma...
In my opinion, pipewire is not finished enough yet. Personally, I switched back to pulseaudio, due similar problems


Re: Installing Pipewire from Start to Finish

Reply #4
It could be a problem of timing, eg your volume icon starts sooner than pipewire is fully ready.
Since I use openbox I put some sleep commands between the pipewire ones and my volume icon.

But pipewire seems to have even more problems than PulseAudio.