Re: [SOLVED] Udev alternatives in Artix Reply #45 – 03 June 2021, 17:32:25 So, a lot of time has passed and i'm back here with libudev-zero on top on already existing nldev+smdev. libudev-zero is actually that peace of software i missed previously and it significantly reduces the amount of patches that are required: xorg, wayland, cups and sane work without any patches at all. The exception is lvm2 - it is uses deprecated udev API which is not (and will not be) supported, so it is easier to use version without udev support. I also couldn't make pipewire and pulseaudio work (but this can be a config problem also)I also noticed side effect on Firefly RK3399: with udev i didn't get display at first boot if monitor was on before the board. This doesn't happen with nldev.For those who wants to test it themselves, PKGBUILDs are uploaded to AUR with OpenRC and runit init scripts (make sure to install smdev-libudev-zero to get benefits from libudev-zero) Last Edit: 05 June 2021, 07:31:11 by phoenix_king_rus 1 Likes