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Which network/wireless manager do you use?

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Topic: Which network/wireless manager do you use? (Read 1645 times) previous topic - next topic
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Which network/wireless manager do you use?

Hi guys!  :)

I was wondering which type of network manager you use? I personally use IWD because it's lightweight, it's got the built-in DHCP client and it simply does the job. I also have iwgtk installed as my gui.

I'm curious  about your opinions on this.

Re: Which network/wireless manager do you use?

Reply #1
I use Connman since it's the most minimal network manager with handy Bluetooth internet support and built-in DNS cacher. Equivalent to NM and DNSmasq for my use yet using less memory than both combined.

(Though, I'm open to setnet-like scripts if they can deal with Bluetooth).

Re: Which network/wireless manager do you use?

Reply #2
I switched to iwd a while back from wpa_supplicant + dhcpcd and I'm satisfied. Never required anything more.

Re: Which network/wireless manager do you use?

Reply #3
For my laptop, which uses WiFi, I'm using wpa_supplicant. It's more lightweight than any other wireless tool. I'm using dhcpcd as a DHCP client.

For my desktop, I'm using Ethernet cable connection, so there's no point in using network managers. I'm still using dhcpcd as a DHCP client, as I'm using ADSL connection.

See here:

For a TUI wpa_supplicant.conf generator, see SetNet.

Re: Which network/wireless manager do you use?

Reply #4
Currently using connman on laptops. May switch to iwd in the future.

Re: Which network/wireless manager do you use?

Reply #5
Still using NetworkManager atm, mainly since that's what I'm familiar with. I will *eventually* get around to trying things like wpa_supplicant and iwd when I'm not as busy. But for the moment NetworkManager satisifices.

Re: Which network/wireless manager do you use?

Reply #7
I use NetworkManager btw. It has handy plugins, e.g. for vpn.


Re: Which network/wireless manager do you use?

Reply #8
NetworkManager, I want to get rid of everything from Red Hat but for working purposes NetworkManager works better for me. I haven't found the way to make some OpenVPNs configs to work in Connman.
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