[SOLVED] Bspwm doesn't launch 30 October 2021, 22:52:08 Hello and thanks to the Artix developers for the distribution. I want to make the startx command launching a DE. But I get this.Here my .xinitrc (the same in home and in /etc/X11/xinit/)Here the services.I have xorg-server, xorg-xinit, lighdm, lightdm-gtk-greeter, lightdm-runit, and of course bspwm installed. I got the rough twm with xterm windows (before I replaced it by bspwm in the xinitrc) so I guess xorg works. Last Edit: 01 November 2021, 21:11:47 by Drito
Re: Bspwm doesn't launch Reply #1 – 31 October 2021, 01:15:23 I'm pretty sure the problem is you have used su to change into the root user. I used to have this problem after doing a base install when installing packages and moving configs and such over, I would su into my new user account (from root) and then try to startx, which throws an error. Specifically I think it's because Xorg uses a cookie to identify who's logged in (i.e. has access to the Xserver) and if you use su, your user identity no longer matches (in your case it thinks you are your normal user when actually you are root).Try startx without using su and see what happens.N.B. Also, looking at your xinitrc, remember that bspwm doesn't come with a hotkey daemon, you need to install and launch one when you start it (usually this is sxhkd since it's developed by the same guy).
Re: Bspwm doesn't launch Reply #2 – 31 October 2021, 17:39:53 I tried startx with my user account without success.In the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log the errors prefixed "EE" are "failed to load module vmware""failed to load module fbdev""glamor initialization failed"Maybe a problem with Virtualbox ?
Re: Bspwm doesn't launch Reply #3 – 01 November 2021, 21:09:14 The .xinitrc has an error. The "&" at the end of exec bspwm must be removed. I don"t know the bash syntax well (just simple commands, no scripts). I'm not totally sure if it was the only error because under the frustration, I put the failed virtual machine in the trashbin and I made a new install from the beginning who works. Last Edit: 01 November 2021, 21:15:42 by Drito
Re: [SOLVED] Bspwm doesn't launch Reply #4 – 01 November 2021, 21:22:29 https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Xinit#xinitrc