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Topic: Install Artix-OpenRC-Plasma: Disk-Handling (Read 793 times) previous topic - next topic
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Install Artix-OpenRC-Plasma: Disk-Handling

Better Disk-handling for Calamares-installer:

My NVMe support switching PBS/LBS (physical/logical block-size) to 4096 b (also called 4k).
Read PBS/LBS with:
Code: [Select]
nvme id-ns /dev/nvme0n1 -H | grep LBA

> output:

LBA Format  0 : Metadata Size: 0   bytes - Data Size: 512 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x2 Good (in use)
LBA Format  1 : Metadata Size: 0   bytes - Data Size: 4096 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x1 Better

"Format" NVMe with 4k:
Code: [Select]
nvme format /dev/nvme0n1 -l 1

> output:

Success formatting namespace:1

Check format:
Code: [Select]
nvme id-ns /dev/nvme0n1 -H | grep LBA

> output:

LBA Format  0 : Metadata Size: 0   bytes - Data Size: 512 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x2 Good
LBA Format  1 : Metadata Size: 0   bytes - Data Size: 4096 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x1 Better (in use)

Code: [Select]
sgdisk -n 1:1M:+1G -t 1:ef00 -c 1:EFI-0002 $DISK

sgdisk -n 2:0:+1766G -t 2:8300 -c 2:ARTIX-0002 $DISK

sgdisk -n 3:0:+96G -t 3:8200 -c 3:SWAP-0002 $DISK

Code: [Select]
mkfs.vfat -F32 -s 2 -S 4096 -v /dev/nvme0n1p1

mkfs.ext4 -F -b 4096 -F /dev/nvme0n1p2

mkswap -f -p 4096 /dev/nvme0n1p3

  • Could `nvme-cli` and hdparm be implemented by default?
  • Could the kernel be reloaded without reboot from USB or at least reload kernel-module detecting the 'disks"?
  • Could the installer at least provide converting of NVMe?
  • Could the "partitioning"-app show size (choose-wise) in "MiB, GiB and TiB"?
  • Could the "partitioning"-app allow to simply move, resize partitions and let empty space at end of disk?
  • `mkfs.fat` don't work with 4k-sector, is there a problem e.g. for MBR to use even `mkfs.vfat` or do you still to hold both FS?
  • Could the partitioning-tool detect sector size and set already the right parameter?

Thanks in advance and best regards.

Re: Install Artix-OpenRC-Plasma: Disk-Handling

Reply #1
You should really take these requests to upstream Calamares. You can also manually partition your NVMe disk with your exact preferences before launching the installer and use the manual partitioning option.

Re: Install Artix-OpenRC-Plasma: Disk-Handling

Reply #2
You should really take these requests to upstream Calamares.
How to take request to upstream Calamares?
You can also manually partition your NVMe disk with your exact preferences before launching the installer and use the manual partitioning option.
Do you really mean, I don't need Calamares if I have a 4k-disk?

Re: Install Artix-OpenRC-Plasma: Disk-Handling

Reply #4
Calamares is for less experienced users who usually don't need exotic options. More advanced users can use base ISO and have more control over configuring their system.

Is 4k-disk-sector-size an exotic option? As well I know, all disk-manufacturer sign those specifications 10 years ago.


Re: Install Artix-OpenRC-Plasma: Disk-Handling

Reply #6
this is a link that I have already refuted. since you already know where the refutation is, I will not link you,

Ah! linking a refuted thing again and again does not change the truth content or its argued refutation. This is just childish.