I am trying to install artix from the base-openrc iso and I'm following instructions on the official wiki (installing with full disk encryption) as well as taking advice from certain arch wiki pages regarding mkinitcpio configuration. After I generate initramfs and install and configure grub, I get the following grub error when rebooting:
error: disk `lvmid/.../...' not found. Entering rescue mode...
with the triple dots in the lvmid part being the actual IDs of the volume group and logical volume. Those IDs are correct (I checked when booting from a live usb again).
Here are my /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and /etc/default/grub files:
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect keyboard keymap consolefont modconf block encrypt lvm2 filesystems fsck)
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="loglevel=3 quiet cryptdevice=/dev/nvme0n1p2:crypt root=/dev/lvmArtix/root resume=/dev/lvmArtix/swap net.ifnames=0"
I see no error in those files. The commands I run from inside artix-chroot are:
mkinitcpio -p linux-hardened # Yes I have installed linux-hardened and linux-hardened-headers
# EFI partition is mounted at /mnt/boot/efi, /boot/efi relative to the artix-chroot shell
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=artix --recheck /dev/nvme0n1
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
After all that I Ctrl+D, unmount everything, close the luks partition and reboot. And get the grub error.
EFI partition is /dev/nvme0n1p1 and LUKS partition is the second one. Volume group name is lvmArtix. Root logical volume is called "root" and conversely for the swap partition.
I'm honestly at a complete loss here. What am I doing wrong?