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Topic: hwclocks and KDE won't boot without linux-firmware (Read 572 times) previous topic - next topic
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hwclocks and KDE won't boot without linux-firmware

I've been running vanilla KDE from the ISO for a while now and everything has been fine until a few days ago where I did an update (and presumably got the full udev on my system, though I didn't check). Since then I can't boot my systems normally, the process gets stuck either in hwclocks, in the KDE splash screen, or the network device initialization. After a few installations from both the older and newer ISOs I figured out that me removing linux-firmware first thing after a fresh install was the issue(I chrooted into the broken system and reinstalled linux-firmware to verify it as well). Please help, removing linux-firmware gives me peace of mind.

Not sure if this is the proper place to post this, I'm not a forum guy, sorry about that.

Re: hwclocks and KDE won't boot without linux-firmware

Reply #1
Something from linux-firmware is needed, it seems. Recently it was split and most binary blobs were removed from the main package, if that gives you some peace of mind. Using any non-open BIOS motherboard should be enough take away that peace again, not to mention IME and PSP.
Also, just having linux-firmware installed doesn't mean it's actively used in its entirety, except for those devices that actually need a blob.

Re: hwclocks and KDE won't boot without linux-firmware

Reply #2
I do use corebooted systems and only use nonproprietary hardware firmware so I'm cool with that part, though I will check the two parts of linux-firmware  to see what's going on. Running actual proprietary blobs at this stage is very unsatisfactory for me.