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Topic: [SOLVED] trying to get protonvpn to work (Read 992 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] trying to get protonvpn to work

im fairly new to vpns but anyway i saw a tutorial that i can install it with pip3 and did just that but as soon as i was about to connect it said my credentials were wrong i was pasting the hashed one's from within the protonvpn site is there a workaround?and i really dont want to move away from artix back to systemd, my other option would be Gentoo openrc but i am having some kernel issues as i just got a intel i7 3770 and it wont boot hopefully i can get it up and running but ive been at it for 3 days now anyways if someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated
Rule 3: Never believe what you are told. Double check.

Re: trying to get protonvpn to work

Reply #2
yes i tried doing all that but it needs systemd dependencies i have read a couple of threads about this issue also that is why i installed via pip3 maybe there is another workaround the only one i got installed is protonvpn-cli-ng will that do the trick?
Rule 3: Never believe what you are told. Double check.

Re: trying to get protonvpn to work

Reply #3
i got it going but yet again it wont connect is dhcpd enough or do i need networkmanager and i am using openrc plus do i need to put openvpn in the runlevel?
Rule 3: Never believe what you are told. Double check.

Re: trying to get protonvpn to work

Reply #4
I am packaging this, well attempting to :), and adding it to my repo and will share repo details, of course, this repo is not official and provided AS IS :)

Edit: and you might need init script, unsure

Edit2: repo details to be added to pacman.conf (package name: protonvpn)
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =$repo/$arch

Re: trying to get protonvpn to work

Reply #5
you the man!!
Rule 3: Never believe what you are told. Double check.


Re: [SOLVED] trying to get protonvpn to work

Reply #6
you could use protonvpn-cli-ng from the AUR in the meantime.
I use openrc, and this package is working for me.