Re: Calamares "free space" bug when using an already-existing LVM vol, and a failure
Reply #2 –
I'm using an officially released ISO - artix-xfce-openrc-20220123-x86_64.iso . Can't use a weekly ISO because it's missing some Calamares modules - Calamares Initialization Failed - the following modules could not be loadedFirst of all, I run these commands:
# creating the partitions
parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos
parted -s -a optimal /dev/sda mkpart "primary" "ext4" "0%" "100%"
parted -s /dev/sda align-check optimal 1
parted -s /dev/sda set 1 boot on
parted -s /dev/sda set 1 lvm on
cryptsetup benchmark
cryptsetup --verbose --type luks1 --cipher serpent-xts-plain64 --key-size 512 --hash whirlpool --iter-time 10000 --use-random --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/sda1
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 lvm-system
pvcreate /dev/mapper/lvm-system
vgcreate lvmSystem /dev/mapper/lvm-system
And then, instead of making the partitions in a command line (like I did in this another thread), I simply launch Calamares and try to create the partitions inside the already-existing LVM volume.