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Topic: Fresh base install with S6, how do I actually launch Xorg? (Read 1110 times) previous topic - next topic
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Fresh base install with S6, how do I actually launch Xorg?

Hey there. Just finished installing Artix S6 base, and I got all my packages installed too. It is my first time using S6, and I didn't want to go the s6-plasma.iso route just so I can see what it takes to actually set it up for science.

So I installed the following packages, when I logged in after finishing main install:
Code: [Select]
linux-zen linux-zen-headers nvidia nvidia-libgl nvidia-dkms nvidia-utils nvidia-settings xorg sddm sddm-s6 plasma

Then I added sddm and elogind into services, but in return I get a message which says
Code: [Select]
[system lizard]# s6-rc-bundle-update -c add default sddm elogind
s6-rc-bundle-update is now deprecated and may be removed in the future!
Bundle contents should be updated by touching files in the contents.d directory and running s6-db-reload!
s6-rc-bundle-update: usage: s6-rc-bundle-update [ -c compiled ] command... (use s6-rc-bundle-update help for more information)

Am I doing it wrong? Or this deprecated message is going to be displayed for awhile until it is removed?

If I check what's in the startup list with "s6-rc -a list" I do see services "sddm elogind" listed there, along with NetworkManager which I added earlier.

So how do I launch Xorg manually so that I can see graphical login screen? My expectation was that after installing the packages and throwing sddm/elogind into services it's gonna work xD I'd really appreciate some help, I made it extra difficult for myself since I haven't ever really used plasma either smh.

Re: Fresh base install with S6, how do I actually launch Xorg?

Reply #2
Just an fyi, you technically ran s6-rc-bundle-update incorrectly but as the message says, it's deprecated and should not be used. I'd suggest reading the wiki page for full details.

Re: Fresh base install with S6, how do I actually launch Xorg?

Reply #3
Yes it says to touch the files, so in this case as I understand

Code: [Select]
touch /etc/s6/adminsv/default/sddm
touch /etc/s6/adminsv/default/elogind

if I do ls /etc/s6/rc I see "compiled" folder but also bunch if "compiled-1642392312" kind of folders, so the only important one must be "compiled"? But having those other folders is not going to actually interrupt the proccess for now?

I'm so dumb xD but I'm trying to get through this

Re: Fresh base install with S6, how do I actually launch Xorg?

Reply #4
s6-rc works via compiling databases. The actual management of said databases is completely left to the user (unlike other service managers where this is done internally). On Artix, we have some basic helper scripts and hooks to make this easier and more seamless for users (s6-db-reload is a part of that). As you suspect, the most important one is /etc/s6/rc/compiled but note that it is a symlink to the latest database that is compiled. As for the other ones, you can do whatever you want with them (periodically delete them, hold them forever, etc.) For reference, the number in the name is just a unix timestamp. This is done to guarantee uniqueness in the name.

Re: Fresh base install with S6, how do I actually launch Xorg?

Reply #5
It's interesting, and I'm not gonna give up and change my init xD and I was reading someone saying pick a init stick to it and master it so this is why. But I'll try installing s6 plasma desktop with gui iso in the meanwhile, I want to see how it is setup. This is killing me :P there's barely any guides available regarding s6, I'm definitely "not there" yet to understand it. But the way I touched sddm and reloaded it, is not going to launch plasma login screen still, what am I missing?

If I may ask, what would be the correct steps one must take to get plasma up and running on a base install?


Re: Fresh base install with S6, how do I actually launch Xorg?

Reply #6
there's barely any guides available regarding s6

There is plenty of documentation, but reading is required.

But the way I touched sddm and reloaded it, is not going to launch plasma login screen still, what am I missing?

If I may ask, what would be the correct steps one must take to get plasma up and running on a base install?
1. Install plasma-desktop package group and any additional applications you might need. For Plasma, at least also install konsole so you have a terminal emulator to issue commands.
2. If you also want a DM, install <dm_name>-<your_init>, enable and start the DM service. Since you chose sddm and s6, you need to install sddm-s6, enable and start the sddm service.

If you have issues with X.Org which prevent sddm from starting, supply relevant logs (they are text files in /var/log, most relevant here would be /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/sddm.log).

Edit: plasma-desktop can be considered "bare minimum Plasma setup". The Desktop Environment section in the wiki article states for Plasma:
Code: [Select]
 pacman -S plasma kde-applications
which installs a lot more packages. It's up to you what you will install.