Custom TTY install help with boots drive 18 April 2022, 09:34:45 Long question alert:I want complete FDE, end to end with cgdisk either 8308 (dm-crypt) or 8309 (luks partition), but I want a boot/efi partition on a 60g SanDisk cruiser USB, are there any additional steps that I need to do, in order for the boot USB to detect that the main system is on a different drive (nvme) I tried once or twice, no luck, I don't want a USB Keyfile, I want it to boot the USB then go to my main nvme, also how can I create a btrfs swapfile, that can be mounted like root, home, Dev, usr, snapshots etc. directory. I wanna use 66 or dinit can't decide which has better performance. Any help I would greatly appreciate, also I know how to install through tty, my issue is the fact I use a non standard cipher, Serpent-CBC-Essiv:sha3-256 -h whirlpool -i 30000 resilience hash= sha512, pbkdf argon2id, hash size 256, on luks2 and I mount the subvolumes (Arch bulletproof guide) not the dev mapper, which can cause some problems with booting from an external drive, also which is superior in terms of performance, Dinit or Suite66, also is Dinit a form of Systemd or something else. Thanks for any help.-KingEdit: I'm aware of the man pages but none of the specs say anything about performance or differences between Inits, just an series of commands and a VERY generic overview that says nothing
Re: Custom TTY install help with boots drive Reply #1 – 18 April 2022, 18:09:54 Quote from: kingdotnet – on 18 April 2022, 09:34:45I wanna use 66 or dinit can't decide which has better performance.The "performance" of an init system is irrelevant. Init system controls the (re)boot and shutdown process, and Unix-like operating systems are designed to not have to be rebooted as often as, for example, Microsoft Windows.The problem with systemd isn't that it's "slow". Main issues with systemd are that:a) It's trying to destroy the basic concept of a Unix-like operating system, which is to have programs which "do one thing, do it well, and cooperate well with other programs". systemd wants to be everything instead of just an init system.b) It is forced as the single allowed init system upon the GNU/Linux community by large corporations.See more at: systems supported by Artix have different process supervisors, whose "performance", again, is irrelevant compared to the performance of userland programs themselves. Process supervisors employed by different init systems are managing services (daemons), not general software, which is the most noticeable for the user.Bottom line is that you should try different init systems yourself and see what init system supported by Artix and its process supervision commands you are most comfortable with. All of the init systems supported by Artix are fully functional and constantly maintained to support Artix packages. 1 Likes