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Topic: MATE Appearance Preferences get not set (Read 462 times) previous topic - next topic
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MATE Appearance Preferences get not set


I was using LXQT bevor I changed to MATE.
LXQT had (has?) a funny bug. The Appearance Preferences got not set on system start, only if the Appearance Preferences program got run.

MATE 1.26 has now the same bug. My mouse cursors and icons get not set without running /usr/bin/mate-appearance-properties
Just running mate-appearance-properties is enough to set the correct settings.

So I reused my old LXQT bug workaround for MATE:
Code: [Select]
# Needs the Arch/Artix package 'xorg-xwininfo' (Debian: x11-utils) for the X11 appearance check.
# Script should be put in /usr/local/bin/ and run by the Desktop Autorun.
# Probably: ~/.config/autostart/configmyx11.desktop
# Bug in MATE: xcursors and xcursor size only set correctly after mate-appearance-properties is run.

/usr/bin/mate-appearance-properties &
while [ $QTO -lt 33 ]; do # 10 sec. timeout
    sleep 0.3 # Check every 300ms for appearance
    LXQTACTIV=$(/usr/bin/xwininfo -name 'Appearance Preferences' 2>&1 | grep -scie 'Map State: IsViewable')
    if [ $LXQTACTIV -gt 0 ]; then
kill $LXQTCAPID 2>&1 >/dev/null

And ~/.config/autostart/
Code: [Select]
[Desktop Entry]
Comment[en_US]=MATE bug workaround
Comment=MATE bug workaround

Re: MATE Appearance Preferences get not set

Reply #1
I'm on MATE too, I think in my boxes mate-appearance-properties is called automatically by mate-session or something, but then again my installations are years old. Is this a relatively new installation?

Re: MATE Appearance Preferences get not set

Reply #2
i use mate and i can't even begin to think how you could be having trouble like that with it.  The reason i use mate is because of it's quirky free stable experience.  Probably the best thing would be to do a clean install of a mate iso.  I'm on dinit and it seems very polished.  The iso for mate dinit has an installer that should sort you out within a few minutes.  back up the files in your home directory before you do so you dont lose anything you've saved.
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: MATE Appearance Preferences get not set

Reply #4
Hi, the installation is about 6 month old.
And without calling /usr/bin/mate-appearance-properties in Mate Autostart (~.config/autostart/)
I don't get my configuration.
I have used LXQT with the same bug (yes, very strange) for month.
Actually until my Notebook broke and I had to reinstall Artix with the MATE iso.
And because I already have developed a workaround, its no big deal.
I am able to strace and gdb if someone is interested to nail it down with me.

Re: MATE Appearance Preferences get not set

Reply #6
did you install with calamares or did you chroot and build up the system?  I don't think xcursor theme is the contributing factor but it is the aur after all, anything is def possible.  Have you looked at the package build for anything suspicious from that build?  I'm not a programmer so i wouldnt know even what to look for really.

fwiw here is the build file

# Maintainer: Adrian Perez de Castro <[email protected]>
pkgname=(xcursor-cz-viator-{hourglass,ring,rotor,windmill}-{white,black} xcursor-cz-hickson)
makedepends=(git inkscape xorg-xcursorgen python2 patch)
source=("${pkgbase}-${pkgver}::git+${url}#commit=${_commit}" build.patch)

prepare () {
   cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
   patch -p1 < "${srcdir}/build.patch"

build () {
   cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
   local spinner color suffix

   for color in white black ; do
      if [[ ${color} = white ]] ; then

      msg2 "Rendering color variant: ${color}"
      python2 "svgs/template${suffix}.svg"

      for spinner in hourglass ring rotor windmill ; do
         msg2 "Rendering variant: ${spinner} ${color}"
         python2 "svgs/spinner-${spinner}${suffix}.svg"

         themetitle="cz-Viator-${spinner}-${color}" ./

   msg2 "Rendering variant: Hickson"
   python2 "more-themes/cz-Hickson/cz-Hickson.svg"
   themetitle="cz-Hickson" ./

_package () {
   install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons"
   cp -a "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/$1" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/"

_package_viator_variant () {
   _package "cz-Viator-$1-$2"

package_xcursor-cz-viator-hourglass-white () {
   _package_viator_variant hourglass white

package_xcursor-cz-viator-hourglass-black () {
   _package_viator_variant hourglass black

package_xcursor-cz-viator-ring-white () {
   _package_viator_variant ring white

package_xcursor-cz-viator-ring-black () {
   _package_viator_variant ring black

package_xcursor-cz-viator-rotor-white () {
   _package_viator_variant rotor white

package_xcursor-cz-viator-rotor-black () {
   _package_viator_variant rotor black

package_xcursor-cz-viator-windmill-white () {
   _package_viator_variant windmill white

package_xcursor-cz-viator-windmill-black () {
   _package_viator_variant windmill black

package_xcursor-cz-hickson () {
   _package cz-Hickson

and the build patch

diff --git a/ b/
index c9bfebc..3e76e8d 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2018 Gerhard Großmann
 # Set the name of your cursor theme
-themetitle='My Cursor Theme'
+: ${themetitle:='My Cursor Theme'}
 # For the folder name: Replace forbidden charakters with “-”
Cat Herders of Linux


Re: MATE Appearance Preferences get not set

Reply #7
Hi, I did use the graphical Artix installer to install my MATE system.
I reviewed the build process. Its fine. It builds a lot of variant packages but I install only: