Re: Keeping my /home parition.
Reply #3 –
So you want to install Artix onto /dev/sda1.
Depending on how you go about it the UUID of the partition will most likely change.
Keep a copy of your current fstab
Leave the other partitions alone.
Once you've installed artix on /dev/sda1 copy your old fstab into /etc on /dev/sda1. BUT replace the UUID in line
UUID=b0f189a2-5734-42a8-bd85-53e70a2eca3a / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1
with its new UUID if it's changed.
Normally the first user created has uid 1000,
To make thing simple I'd suggest just specifying the uid when you create the user on the new artix, useradd --uid 1001 (along with other options).
Or you can just chown -R the whole of your home dir.
That's about it really. I suspect you'll need to do something with grub but I so rarely use it I'm not going to try and be specific.
You'll potentially be doing yourself a favour if you create a rEFInd boot cd/usb so if the first boot fails you probably won't have to mess around with with live usbs and chroots Test the refind boot before you start.
Of course there's more to installing Artix from a base iso. I'm just addressing keeping your home partition.
Good luck.
If you need more detail ask the specifics.