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Topic: Code to source bash_completion cannot work in user profile (Read 277 times) previous topic - next topic
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Code to source bash_completion cannot work in user profile

How come code to source bash_completion cannot work as it  is put inside the
file /etc/profile correctly initialzed/ run

It's needed there and then, if sourcing it being inside the ~/.bashrc file, it's too later and inefficient for a user who always need to or often re-initialize it.

Please show the best way to set up with such demanded 


Re: Code to source bash_completion cannot work in user profile

Reply #1
Have you got the "bash-completion" package installed? That's if you are using bash as your shell, if you were using zsh for example you might want zsh-completions. Completions don't work very well without that package, it's separate on Arch based distros unlike in Debian ones where I think it gets installed with Bash by default.