Contributing to the Artix repos 21 October 2022, 04:12:05 Hey everybody! After been on Artix for some time and getting everything working on my machine, I've decided to see if I can try getting the package to Artix repos. While I can find the Arch packaging guides, I donĀ“t seem to be able to find any for Artix. So my question is: is there an Artix specific guide for packaging? asusctl is already on the arch repos, and while it asks for systemd, I managed to get it running by adding two files to init.d, one for the asusd service and another for supergfxd service. The link to the git is here: only problem is that I'm not a super programmer, so it might take some time to get it done properly, but I think it could be an nice contribution to Artix.Thanks for your time!
Re: Contributing to the Artix repos Reply #1 – 21 October 2022, 04:49:42 Quoteis there an Artix specific guide for packaging?Not really. In fact, most of Artix's PKGBUILDs are copy-pasted from Arch with minor branding changes and/or systemd support switches getting disabled.While you're at it, you could upload your initscript files as asusctl-openrc to the AUR. On your git repo, just add your init.d files and have the PKGBUILDs package() function install -Dm755 them to "$pkgdir/etc/init.d". Last Edit: 21 October 2022, 05:40:21 by capezotte 1 Likes