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Topic: ConnMan not respecting FallbackNameservers with --nodnsproxy (Read 289 times) previous topic - next topic
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ConnMan not respecting FallbackNameservers with --nodnsproxy

I have searched far and wide but unfortunately got no qualitative leads.

ConnMan is absolutely driving me crazy the way its jank.
To not specify the nameservers in each configuration, i've opted to specify FallbackNameservers in the main.conf of ConnMan.

Code: [Select]
Latitude-5430:[bob]:~$ cat /etc/connman/main.conf | grep FallbackNameservers
FallbackNameservers =,

But the generated resolv.conf (as per --nodnsproxy), just contains IPv6 garbage and the default gateway (which is absolute nonsense given i disabled IPv6 entirely (it breaks DNS resolution altoghter with ConnMan for some reason, given i dont need IPv6, i opted out))

Code: [Select]
Latitude-5430:[bob]:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf 
# Generated by Connection Manager
search home
nameserver fdaa:fbbc:bfdd:eef0:ff:f19c:7652:62d0

Perhaps when it connects to the network, it has the audacity to automayically specify the DNS "manually" itself ?
Has anyone any kind of clue how can I resolve this issue ?