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Topic: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update (Read 3864 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #15
after last nights upgrade I get kernel panic in all three of my installations. 
The first error message says - error in line 28 (or is it 20 I have a bad monitor which is hard to read in console) of  init
Anyone else?

Sorry, no issue here whatsoever after the update (With all [testing] repo enabled)
Did you updated AUR packages alongside with it? 
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #16
after last nights upgrade I get kernel panic in all three of my installations. 
The first error message says - error in line 28 (or is it 20 I have a bad monitor which is hard to read in console) of  init
Anyone else?

I did an upgrade on Friday or Saturday (not sure) and after rebooting I am getting the same kernel panic as the OP ("no working init found").  Not sure how to downgrade glibc as I was under the impression I should use artix-chroot to fix things (based on the post here but that does not seem to b present in the live i3 iso.  Is this something that should be there or do I have to use the traditional chroot?

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #17
on one I may have but the rest I did with pacman -Syyu
I remember mkinitcpio run during upgrade

system-testing/glibc 2.26-4 (base) [installed]     GNU C Library
system-testing/glibc-openrc 20170904-1 (openrc-system) [installed]    OpenRC nscd init script
system/glibc 2.25-7 (base) [installed: 2.26-4]    GNU C Library
system/glibc-openrc 20170712-1 (openrc-system) [installed: 20170904-1]    OpenRC nscd init script

system-testing/elogind 234.4-1 [installed]     The systemd project's logind, extracted to a standalone package
system-testing/elogind-openrc 20171001-1 (openrc-system base) [installed]     OpenRC elogind init script
system-testing/libelogind 234.4-1 (base-devel) [installed]     elogind client libraries
system/elogind 234.2-2 [installed: 234.4-1]     The systemd project's logind, extracted to a standalone package
system/elogind-openrc 20170717-1 (openrc-system base) [installed: 20171001-1]     OpenRC elogind init script
system/libelogind 234.2-2 (base-devel) [installed: 234.4-1]     elogind client libraries

Should I try pacman -U on those?

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #18
People on the list told me to revert glibc but I don't understand the reason when this one I have came from system-testing and nobody else seems to be having a problem with it.  So what if I did revert, then what?  Do I hold back upgrades?

I have no idea how to trouble shoot it.  The error comes from a line 28 of init which I am unable to locate.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #19
With my one installation I managed after chroot to it to remove glibc-openrc andleft glibc (2.26-4)
I rebooted into recovery and it seems to have fixed itself.
I tried the same with my main installation and it is not working.
I have no network with chroot and unable to run mkinitcpio or grub-update

The error again says:
/init   error line 28 syntax ...

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #20
Hmm, I have no idea what the problem is since glibc works quite fine for me. However there is no reason why your network and etc. would stop working with chroot. Are you chrooting properly? I'm just copying these from the Arch Wiki page.

Code: [Select]
# cd /location/of/new/root
# mount -t proc proc proc/
# mount --rbind /sys sys/
# mount --rbind /dev dev/
# cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf
# chroot /location/of/new/root /bin/bash

Of course you may need to alter that a bit depending on your setup. If you have a separate boot partition, you would need to mount that too since you're messing with grub and all that.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #21
Thank you,

It seems  as if when I upgraded not all upgradeable packages had made it to the repository as the one I am on now didn't need these.
Code: [Select]
Packages (11) glib2-2.54.1-1  glib2-docs-2.54.1-1  libpng-1.6.34-2  meson-0.42.1-3  mkinitcpio-24-1.3
              openrc-0.32-1  p11-kit-0.23.9-1  python-gitdb-2.0.3-1  python-gitpython-2.1.7-1
              python2-pillow-4.3.0-1  smplayer-17.10.0-1

Is it possible that mkinitcpio run in its previous version with incompatible upgraded stuff and messed everything up?

It worked!

Now the question is that I removed glibc-openrc from both installations wondering if this was the problem and the system works without them?  Are they necessary and if not why were they there?  Both systems were Artix installations, now I am going to fix the Manjaro conversion which also broke 36hrs ago (same time).

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #22
Sort long story .....
In the rare occasion that I would update all three installations at about the same time, which defeats the purpose of having them, and having blind faith on artix-testing, I was caught in the middle of repositories being half-synced.  All I did to fix things was continue the half done upgrade process which two days earlier seemed as complete. 

The question that remains is the role and reason for glibc-openrc.  Is it an initial set of default scripts for OpenRC during installation and after that it is useless?  Nothing was affected (AFAIK) but I am willing to investigate further.  It did not seem as being a dependency of anything.  Maybe it is transferred from the live image and remains as an orphan.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #23
Ramdisk created with mkinitcpio 24-1* cannot mount artix root btrfs subvolume (neither automatically, nor with manual running modprobe btrfs+mount ...). Does someone else have same problem?

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #24
The question that remains is the role and reason for glibc-openrc.  Is it an initial set of default scripts for OpenRC during installation and after that it is useless?  Nothing was affected (AFAIK) but I am willing to investigate further.  It did not seem as being a dependency of anything.  Maybe it is transferred from the live image and remains as an orphan.

I didn't even know that package existed until you pointed it out. I don't have it installed on any of my machines. I suppose it's orphaned. Not sure what the purpose is either.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #25
glibc-openrc is  the name service cache daemon (nscd) it can be added to auto start "sudo rc-update add nscd default" but what it does I don't know. "sudo nscd -g" shows what is set and what its doing. Not sure its needed though?


Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #26
It starts and shutsdown the  Name Service Cache Daemon as robin says.  Same here, I can''t figure out the difference with or without it.

Code: [Select]
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

depend() {
use dns ldap net slapd

checkconfig() {
if [ ! -d /run/nscd ] ; then
mkdir -p /run/nscd
chmod 755 /run/nscd
if [ -z "${NSCD_PERMS_OK}" ] && [ "$(stat -c %a /run/nscd)" != "755" ] ; then
echo ""
ewarn "nscd run dir is not world readable, you should reset the perms:"
ewarn "chmod 755 /run/nscd"
ewarn "chmod a+rw /run/nscd/socket"
echo ""
ewarn "To disable this warning, set 'NSCD_PERMS_OK' in /etc/conf.d/nscd"
echo ""

start() {

ebegin "Starting Name Service Cache Daemon"
local secure=`while read curline ; do
case $table in
for entry in $entries ; do
case $entry in
/usr/bin/nscd_nischeck $table || \
/echo "-S $table,yes"
done < /etc/nsswitch.conf`
local pidfile="$(strings /usr/bin/nscd | grep"
mkdir -p "$(dirname ${pidfile})"
save_options pidfile "${pidfile}"
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
--exec /usr/bin/nscd --pidfile "${pidfile}" \
-- $secure
eend $?

stop() {
local pidfile="$(get_options pidfile)"
[ -n "${pidfile}" ] && pidfile="--pidfile ${pidfile}"
ebegin "Shutting down Name Service Cache Daemon"
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/bin/nscd ${pidfile}
eend $?

# vim:ts=4

Code: [Select]
# Begin /etc/nsswitch.conf

passwd: compat mymachines
group: compat mymachines
shadow: compat

publickey: files

hosts: files mymachines resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns myhostname
networks: files

protocols: files
services: files
ethers: files
rpc: files

netgroup: files

# End /etc/nsswitch.conf

After you add it check to see what services OpenRC runs

Code: [Select]
$ sudo rc-update show -a