[Package request] upower-nocritical/ allow UPower to not do automagic shutdown. 14 October 2023, 13:05:51 There is an AUR package aur/upower-nocritical or aur/upower-nocritical-nosystemd-git which adds to UPower the possibility to do nothing on critical battery state.There are different reasons and use cases why this can be needed, see here.Actually, I need it, see this thread.To allow for a UPower variant that is configurable to not impose on the user some behaviour, I ask for adding the patch from aur/upower-nocritical-nosystemd-git to world/upower (maybe without changing the default config, but just with allowing "Ignore" to be set by the user!), or to add upower-nocritical as a separate package.Regards! Last Edit: 14 October 2023, 13:40:25 by dreieck